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  • I do routine maintainence on all of our users PCs and have been trying to RDP to them instead of physically going there. Plus I use RDP to manage my servers from one location. I'm going to download Terminals and check it out. Thanks. :o)
    Hey Coach. Thanks for all your help on my double-click issue. Now that I got everything working I've been brainstorming and while looking through the ActiveX control options I saw an RDP Client Control object. I found your discussion (http://www.utteraccess.com/forum/Remote-Desktop-Connection-t1896834.html&p=1898517) but it doesn't seem to be loading. My reason for looking into this, is that I am making a helpdesk database and I always RDP to my servers and thought it would be cool if I could RDP from my Database. If it's not possible, then that's fine. Just a cool thing to have if possible. Myself and one other administrator are the only users of the database so there's not a big security risk. Look forward to hearing from you. Thanks again!
    I am appreciative of your help--I just wanted to clarify what I knew. I spent many hours up late studying database design (and other IS topics)--I just have spent most of my career as a cataloger for a library, so haven't really worked with database design and implementation in a work setting. This is my first go at making an application for a work environment, so need a bit of coaching here and there--this forum has been great for that.

    Anyway, glad for the help--hoping this first project is a success!

    Hi there
    sorry to message you but i could do with some help on your wizard example from your site.

    for the life of me i cant see how it works... all i can see is the main page in design and not the other ones that shows when you run it.

    any help would be appreciated as i could so with using this in my current project

    thanks for any help you can give

    rob :)
    Hi Hitech, thanks for the feedback, Im new to db design, can you elaborate on how I can implement the child table that you suggested? Im using Access 2003
    Thanks for the "Friend" request. I look forward to visiting with you. Your posting are very helpful and informative.

    I really appreciate you trying to assist others.

    Hi Boss,

    Is there any option to, change table feild value using unbound combobox,

    i have table tblattendance with empl#,Date,Attendance type,.....
    I have retrived the data from this table using query with creteria Daterange and designed Form using this quer, what i m trying to do that
    i have one unbound combobox(cmbtypeall)and commadbutton (change) on form header. I want to change the value of the feild attendance type(on form named "type" and assign the value of combobox(cmbtypeall) once i click the commandbutton (change)

    Please advice....
    thanks in advance
    dear sir,

    my name is anil from hyderabad,

    i have some problem in access reporting
    how to prepare day report,

    Pls help me sir

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