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  1. Sam Summers

    Solved Trying to satisfy 2 conditions

    Thanks guys. It is mainly sorted. Still having a bit of fun with the way it functions but your help has fixed that main issue. This tiny little thing has been one of my worst nightmares to get right!
  2. Sam Summers

    Solved Trying to satisfy 2 conditions

    Looks like that has done it. I'll complete the testing and post here in a minute.
  3. Sam Summers

    Solved Trying to satisfy 2 conditions

    There was a reason why i created it that way but cant remember now it was to do with the numbers changing within the calculation - just remembered why. It was because the remaining value was not saving in the table on form close so created the CurrentStock field to do that. There is probably a...
  4. Sam Summers

    Solved Trying to satisfy 2 conditions

    Hi Everyone, I just cannot get my head round this one and the more i try the more confused i am! I have to open a form to warn us to re-stock. So i am setting it for the Form - On Load event and also when the remaining level goes below the reorder level. So i need to create something like...
  5. Sam Summers

    Insert textbox data into a specific empty cell in excel sheet

    Ill look further into this. I have been doing a lot of searching but very hard to find something to insert into particular empty cells. Also in the top section (rows 5 - 90) they are for people requesting electrical hookups and then rows 105 - 180 are for non electrical pitches. but i could...
  6. Sam Summers

    Insert textbox data into a specific empty cell in excel sheet

    Thank you both very much. I have attached a cut down example with confidential data removed and less months just for this example.
  7. Sam Summers

    Insert textbox data into a specific empty cell in excel sheet

    Hi, Been working on this for sometime but cant quite get it. If this can be solved then the system is a goer if not its scrapped. I am trying to make an efficient booking system that has to integrate with the users current well established Excel spreadsheet. I have to be able to enter a string...
  8. Sam Summers

    Modal form not closing after code has run

    I just wanted it to be a bit slicker than after typing in the email address to then have to click a button but if there is no other way then....... I will look into the "on error resume next" Thank you
  9. Sam Summers

    Modal form not closing after code has run

    So tried that and i now get this message
  10. Sam Summers

    Modal form not closing after code has run

    I just tried to move the focus to the Cancelbtn and then run the close command but still the same message?
  11. Sam Summers

    Modal form not closing after code has run

    Hi Arnel Yes it all runs until i try and close the form?
  12. Sam Summers

    Modal form not closing after code has run

    Hi guys I have a form called 'PitchAllocate' on which there are buttons which relate to pitches on a campsite. When the user clicks on the button a modal form called 'EnterEmail' is displayed where the user simply types in the guests email address and hits the 'Enter' key and the email is sent...
  13. Sam Summers

    Solved Incorrect output when filing report

    Once again guys you have done it! Thank you all SO SO much and feel free to use what i have created if it is of use to you. Arnelgp previously solved some big issues for me along with other members but i think it is now far better thanks to you guys. I can design but do not have quite the...
  14. Sam Summers

    Solved Incorrect output when filing report

    Hi Arnel, I'm ok but lost my job and hence haven't been on here for a while as my projects were no longer needed.
  15. Sam Summers

    Solved Incorrect output when filing report

    This is rather annoying and baffling at the moment. This whole little system works but there are two anomalies preventing it from being perfect. The first is in the 'control measures' section of the 'Main body' report where i am getting duplicates which i really need to prevent. And secondly...
  16. Sam Summers

    Confirming if fixed positions are occupied or not

    Thank you guys for that. I will play about with both of your ideas and see what i come up with over the next week or two and then i'll post what i've done. Many thanks again!
  17. Sam Summers

    Confirming if fixed positions are occupied or not

    Hi guys, Trying to work out the best way to achieve this? I have a table 'Booking' with fields 'BookingID' PK and other detail fields but also a field named 'Position'. I have a form with a map and on it i have up to 113 buttons (Btn1 - Btn113) When the user clicks the button it inserts the...
  18. Sam Summers

    Edit form not accepting input - possible structure error?

    Hi Mike, Just had a quick look and a play and i think that is it and you sorted the structure. I wont get back on it until next monday to properly take a look but thank you in advance. I will let you know how i get on.
  19. Sam Summers

    Edit form not accepting input - possible structure error?

    Hi Mike, Yes that section worked but i need to somehow incorporate the Examination status details as well. I need to take a look at what i am doing from what CJ said as the intermediate table 'ItemStatus' seems to not be doing anything so I have something wrong with my relationships or structure?
  20. Sam Summers

    Edit form not accepting input - possible structure error?

    I'll just have to keep trying to figure it out?
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