The media (in general), however mindlessly fans the flames of fear by regurgitating the Obama's administration mantra that these supposed cuts would somehow damage the affected programs. These are absurd statements.
Why? It would seem to logically follow that if a program receives 100 million dollars/year in federal money, and then is cut to 50 million dollars/year, there would be significant changes in the program.
When the NPR conversation first started, they said that if federal funds were withdrawn, many of the local programs through out the country would have to be cancelled.
I think it is quite obvious that withdrawing funds from a program will damage the program. The question is, which programs SHOULD be damaged or stopped entirely?
Tomorrow (Wednesday, April 13, 2011), Obama is supposed to make a speech on the budget deficit. Based on Obama's past empty rhetoric, I don't have much hope that we will have real deficit reduction.
Every president has goals that they want to accomplish, and most of those goals cost money. What would motivate the current president to put his goals on hold and cut the deficit when the previous "conservative" president exploded the deficit?
Real deficit reduction means revenue in excess of expenses. The Obama administration (Republicans included) are addicted to deficit spending and have no real intent of balancing the budget.
That's because wealthy Americans are addicited to their tax cuts, middle class Americans are addicted to their standard of living, and poor Americans are addicited to their entitlements.
If Republicans would be willing to discuss taxing wealthy Americans and corporations, and Democrats would be willing to discuss reforming entitlements, then some actual headway could be made.
However, both sides feel like they're the ones that have been sacrificing and are now expecting the other side to do so.
Wealthy Americans have seen their tax rates continually drop throughout the years, they won't be satisfied until they're paying next to $0.
Middle class and poor Americans, on the other hand, have seen their jobs lost, their raises frozen, and the cost of good and services going higher and higher (which affects them more sharply than it affects wealthy Americans).
I think it is pretty clear which group should be the next to sacrifice.