That's a really good catch George, I grabbed that off a google image search and it appears my haste has bit me in the butt.
I'd seen that image many times and figured it had to be a good representation but further inspection shows it does not represent actual tax brackets, checking my bookmarks for it I see I must have originally seen it on a site that criticized it for just this reason. A better example is here, it shows an abstracted break down by top .01% 1% and then the quintiles.
If I recall school correctly, McCain's tax plan, like Bush Jr, and Reagan's is effectively just a Trojan horse.
One of my close friends is working on his econ doctorate right now and though he hates all government regulation (huge free market guy) he broke down the Trickle Down system like this:
In a room of 5 people $10.00 is distributed as such:
Doug has $4.00 40%
Nate has $3.00 30%
Alex has $2.00 20%
Dan has $1.00 10%
Mike has $0.00 0%
Jose comes in and says he has $10.00 and wants to give it to Doug. Everyone is upset but Doug, so to appease to crowd Jose says he'll give everyone a dollar to allow him to give Doug $6.00. Hey, free money sounds good so they agree. The break down is now:
Doug $10.00 50%
Nate $4.00 20%
Alex $3.00 15%
Dan $2.00 10%
Mike $1.00 5%
The economy has grown. But you can see who actually benefitted from the growth, arguably you could say two. $1.00 out of $10.00 is certainly worth more than $1.00 out of $1,000.00 as wealth is not judged by how many dollars you have but by what share of dollars you have.
fun site-
site with so many facts it is a realy head banger to read- (notice the Reagan years in the graphs- no such thing as a liberal statistic)
The statistic that currently has me rampant is the CEO pay statistic, in approximately 30 years the middle income pay has stayed steady. Not a steady increase or decrease, just steady. A CEO has gone from 15 - 20 times the average worker to 200 and up times the average worker.
If Joe the Plumber is upset that Obama's tax cut is going to keep him from making 200+ times his average worker I really have no sympathy for Joe, or any other CEO making that much, tbh.
Sorry I'm at work and can only post on breaks, so errant spelling mistakes and the inability to read + & - signs make me look pretty silly.