Iran: A Nuclear Power?

I was in total belief you were that daft Brian.

I think maybe though that now you have been shown to be wrong, you claim you were sarcastic?

- Just to stop any offense being taken , both this and my previuos post are sarcastic.

Ya'll are cracking me up. especially the sarcastic post, post. hehe
The Germans were trying to develop the bomb too, we just beat them to it. You sir, should be glad we did, because otherwise the Battle of England may have gone slightly differently.
We know just how badly distorted AMERICAN history lessons are but
A/ There's no such event as the battle of England during WW11
B/ The development of the A bomb had nothing to do with the end of the war against Germany
We know just how badly distorted AMERICAN history lessons are but
A/ There's no such event as the battle of England during WW11
B/ The development of the A bomb had nothing to do with the end of the war against Germany

You're absolutely correct, for a change, it was Texas Oil that made that posible.
We know just how badly distorted AMERICAN history lessons are but
A/ There's no such event as the battle of England during WW11
B/ The development of the A bomb had nothing to do with the end of the war against Germany

A. Excuse me, Battle of Britain is what I meant.
B. I never said it did. What was trying to say was that the only reason America pushed for the development of the bomb is because Germany was going to do the same. See this.
Thank god for the likes of the heroes of Telemark
So much for a discussion on nuclear arms proliferation.
I know it's difficult for Americans to get a grasp on World history but the heroes of Telemark did more to prevent the threat of nuclear proliferation during WW11 than America, just kinda odd that the film of the same name had to have an American playing the lead role just to get an audience there:p
Thank god for the likes of the heroes of Telemark

More sarcasm. Ha.

I admit I did have to look this up. I understand that Germany was not going about building the bomb the correctly, but that was besides the point. The point was that they were trying to build a bomb. What method they wanted to use was irrelevant, because it was known at the time what needed to be done to start the nuclear reaction. A neutron needed to be hurled at the uranium, and that was basically it. Nature takes over from there. Since this was known, there was definitely reason to be worried.

We all know what they wanted to use it for. Just like we all know what the Iranians want it for. They want to blow up Israel. Besides America and England, it seems like everyone wants to blow them up, or are indifferent to the matter. What a sad state of affairs.
Besides America and England, it seems like everyone wants to blow them up, or are indifferent to the matter. What a sad state of affairs.
I didn't know France, New Zealand ,Australia etc wanted to blow up Israel, what's the evidence for that remark?
You just love to instigate, don't you? I just said it seems like it.
You just love to instigate, don't you? I just said it seems like it.
Do you not know how much work and pressure is going on behind the scene by seemingly uninterested countries?
Why would you ask me if I know what is going on behind the scene? Is that a rhetorical question? I assure you, I have no connections with the higher-ups of government.
The point was that they were trying to build a bomb. . . . . . .
We all know what they wanted to use it for. Just like we all know what the Iranians want it for. They want to blow up Israel. Besides America and England, it seems like everyone wants to blow them up,

Remind us again how many countries have used a nuclear bomb in anger.

What purpose would that serve? I believe the topic of this thread is Iran. But hey, if you want Iran to have nukes, fine. Just remember, you are closer to Iran than I am!
What purpose would that serve? I believe the topic of this thread is Iran. But hey, if you want Iran to have nukes, fine. Just remember, you are closer to Iran than I am!

And not as well protected at that.
Remind us again how many countries have used a nuclear bomb in anger.


I'm not sure they were in anger Col. I think at the time they were in self preservation.

But why would you care, we had already beaten your enemy for you.

That art to stir him up. LOL

But the real point, is that war is not going to solve anything.
You know Col, I been listening to your antics for years, and I get the sense that a lot of your BS is in someway or another designed to entertain, or to get a rise out of folk.
Having said that, it does take at least a modicum of intelligence to be clever. I for one would sincerely appreciate you trying, ever so often, at an attempt to be contributive.
We can use all the help we can get; the human race that is.
I'm not sure they were in anger Col. I think at the time they were in self preservation.

But why would you care, we had already beaten your enemy for you.

That art to stir him up. LOL

I wanted to say that too, but I know what col is like. There is no winning with him. I don't even think it's about winning, more about stirring shit up.

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