Hi. I have modifyed the code in http://www.access-programmers.co.uk/forums/showthread.php?t=169056 wich was suggested by HiTechCoach.
I have a subform and the goal is to every time a new record is inserted, a set of files (docx, xls, pdf, etc...) are attached to a field 'Docs Avaliacao'. Everything would work fine if the recordset in the subform detected the correct "new record" to attach files within, but everytime I test, it attaches the files to other record, or doesn't detect the record to do it.
If I put the code on a button inside the record line in the subform, works fine, but the goal here was everytime a new record was created, the files would go into that record's attachments.
Here's the code:
If u need I can post pictures.
Thank you.
I have a subform and the goal is to every time a new record is inserted, a set of files (docx, xls, pdf, etc...) are attached to a field 'Docs Avaliacao'. Everything would work fine if the recordset in the subform detected the correct "new record" to attach files within, but everytime I test, it attaches the files to other record, or doesn't detect the record to do it.
If I put the code on a button inside the record line in the subform, works fine, but the goal here was everytime a new record was created, the files would go into that record's attachments.
Here's the code:
Option Explicit
Private Sub Form_AfterInsert()
On Error GoTo Err_AddImage
Dim file As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim path As String
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rsParent As DAO.Recordset2
Dim rsChild As DAO.Recordset2
' ======== Inicio do programa ==========
path = "\\servidor\comum\modelos reais\" ' Diretorio de origem dos ficheiros
' ======== Ciclo For com o nº de ficheiros a implementar nos anexos do registo que se cria
For i = 1 To 2
Select Case i
Case 1
file = path & "Estruturação da definição de Objectivo.docx"
Case 2
file = path & "FD. 01 - Ficha de Departamento Cozinha.doc"
End Select
Set db = CurrentDb
Set rsParent = Me.Recordset
Debug.Print rsParent.Fields("Cod Colaborador").Value 'a field to check on the person's code to see if the attachements are being put in the right place ... (and they are not)
Set rsChild = rsParent.Fields("Docs Avaliacao").Value '"Docs Avaliacao" is the attachment field in the table
rsChild.Fields("FileData").LoadFromFile (file)
Set rsChild = Nothing
Set rsParent = Nothing
Next i
Set rsChild = Nothing
Set rsParent = Nothing
Exit Sub
If Err = 3820 Then
MsgBox ("O ficheiro já existe") 'existing file
Resume Next
MsgBox "Erro!", Err.Number, Err.Description
Resume Exit_AddImage
End If
End Sub
Thank you.