The Religion of Atheism

Look at Paul/James's posts on one of the other threads - the 'fact' that Jesus existed is proof that he was the son of God, which proves that God exists.

Whats this about? Where does Paul or James or both state this? Lets get back to reality to support your view - or are you not interested in that - last few posts strongly suggest you are not.
Okay, so let's say - just for the sake of argument - that you now have this ability. How does that provide evidence for god's existence?

Well it is evidence that not all is 2 + 2 = 4. There is nothing to give me the clue the movie will be on so how I can know it will be on. Now if I had a program book that showed all the programs for the next month and I was glancing through it then that would be the answer. But I don't have such a book.

As a side note, what are your thoughts on things such as Alpha Thinking and NLP?
Whats this about? Where does Paul or James or both state this? Lets get back to reality to support your view - or are you not interested in that - last few posts strongly suggest you are not.
It starts with post 21 of this thread
You (James, Paul or whatever alias you take folloiwng your next temper tantrum and ban) are arguing that Jesus's existence is historically accepted and that this existence can be taken as proof of God. When a couple of people, myself included, argued against this you fell back on your usual practise of ignoring any questions asked of you and turning the question back on the person asking it.
Well it is evidence that not all is 2 + 2 = 4. There is nothing to give me the clue the movie will be on so how I can know it will be on. Now if I had a program book that showed all the programs for the next month and I was glancing through it then that would be the answer. But I don't have such a book.
The information is out there, long before the film is broadcast. I mean the TV stations don't decide spur of the moment to broadcast. Could you not be picking up on something subconsciously?
As a side note, what are your thoughts on things such as Alpha Thinking and NLP?
I know nothing about them. Let me go and have a quick read and get back to you. :)
Well it is evidence that not all is 2 + 2 = 4. There is nothing to give me the clue the movie will be on so how I can know it will be on. Now if I had a program book that showed all the programs for the next month and I was glancing through it then that would be the answer. But I don't have such a book.

As a side note, what are your thoughts on things such as Alpha Thinking and NLP?

First of all, you are using the word "evidence" the same way you were previously using the word "belief", that is, incorrectly.

Second of all, you have yet to present a coherent statement as to why your personal experience of viewing particular movies has anything whatsoever to do with the existence or nonexistence of god.
Its doesn't continue with the logic you expressed. You said he cannot be the son of god cos god does not exist - I didn't say the opposite. Nice try putting your dodgy logic on me though.
Originally Posted by Mike375
Well it is evidence that not all is 2 + 2 = 4. There is nothing to give me the clue the movie will be on so how I can know it will be on. Now if I had a program book that showed all the programs for the next month and I was glancing through it then that would be the answer. But I don't have such a book.

The information is out there, long before the film is broadcast. I mean the TV stations don't decide spur of the moment to broadcast. Could you not be picking up on something subconsciously?

But the information could not get into my sub conconscious. As you know we often get the solution to something when we are having a shower or doing something else that is way removed, but in that is case you have the data there, just you had not been able to extract it.

I became intrigued with this for a couple of reasons. One was it happened so often. Another reason was there was no way known to be I gould be given the information. And lastly, it was easy to test by simply writing down the name of the movies and date/time I thought of it.

Originally Posted by Mike375
As a side note, what are your thoughts on things such as Alpha Thinking and NLP?

I know nothing about them. Let me go and have a quick read and get back to you. :)

Nothing to do with religion.
First of all, you are using the word "evidence" the same way you were previously using the word "belief", that is, incorrectly.

Second of all, you have yet to present a coherent statement as to why your personal experience of viewing particular movies has anything whatsoever to do with the existence or nonexistence of god.

The thing with the movies is it is very strong evidence of some type of telepathy or "whatever". If there is one thing that is not in the science department then there are others.

I have many other things besides the movies but that was a simple example to give and it was also very easy to verify.
The thing with the movies is it is very strong evidence of some type of telepathy or "whatever". If there is one thing that is not in the science department then there are others.

I have many other things besides the movies but that was a simple example to give and it was also very easy to verify.

I didn't ask you for evidence of "whatever", you said you had evidence of god, and that is what I asked for.

I had interesting issue with the movie thing this week. I have been interested in the space program since day 1. On the weekend an aquaintance of mine asked me some questions about the Mercury program and the astronauts etc. he is not into rockets etc and was more interested in what happend in general, the polictics of the time etc and etc.

I told him that a book called The Right Stuff was a run down of Mercury program but without all the rocket stuff and a movie of the same name. You guessed, The Right Suff was on cable TV today.
I didn't ask you for evidence of "whatever", you said you had evidence of god, and that is what I asked for.

If can't see that telepathy or the unexplained is in the same familay as supernatural etc then:

1) You are just trying to be difficult or

2) You would be better to find another subject for your interests as this one maybe too demanding for you.

I have given you evidence that I have and have had over the last 18 months and there is nothing will explain it. As Alc correctly pointed out the programs are decided well in advance.
If can't see that telepathy or the unexplained is in the same familay as supernatural etc then:

1) You are just trying to be difficult or

2) You would be better to find another subject for your interests as this one maybe too demanding for you.

I have given you evidence that I have and have had over the last 18 months and there is nothing will explain it. As Alc correctly pointed out the programs are decided well in advance.

or 3) you don't have any evidence.

I posted this link awhile back, but you probably haven't had a chance to watch it yet. I think it sums up our argument pretty well.
I saw that video.

You won't believe this. I posted above about the movie The Right Stuff and the post is at 1.17am Sydney time. I just went to make a cup of tea and some toast before I go to bed and just turned the TV on and The Right Stuff is being replayed starting at 1.25am.

I had not looked at the program for today until then and there is at the same time as I was posting. Weird stuff.
I saw that video.

You won't believe this. I posted above about the movie The Right Stuff and the post is at 1.17am Sydney time. I just went to make a cup of tea and some toast before I go to bed and just turned the TV on and The Right Stuff is being replayed starting at 1.25am.

I had not looked at the program for today until then and there is at the same time as I was posting. Weird stuff.

Again, exactly how does this have anything whatsoever to do with the existence of god?
Again, exactly how does this have anything whatsoever to do with the existence of god?


Maybe God is sending me the information, I don't know.

What I do know is no science covers it. In fact it can't be mental telepathy because the people who decided on the programming did that well in advance. Or if it is telepathy perhaps it might be because the programmmers are checking all is well for a few days in advance.

To help you understand a connection to the supernatural.

Atheism is all about "everything can be explained by science." and we know science debunks telepathy or any related stuff.

To help you understand a connection to the supernatural.

Atheism is all about "everything can be explained by science." and we know science debunks telepathy or any related stuff.

Yet again, you completely misrepresent atheism.
Atheists do not claim that everything can be explained by science.

You said you didn't believe my purple planet story because there is no evidence for it.

I said, then why do you also not believe that god exists?

You said, because you have evidence that god exists.

I am still waiting for you to present said evidence.
Its doesn't continue with the logic you expressed. You said he cannot be the son of god cos god does not exist - I didn't say the opposite. Nice try putting your dodgy logic on me though.
You asked what it was based on: I believe, based on all available evidence that God does not exist. I've stated this clearly.
Since I believe that God doesn't exist, there is no way I can believe that Jesus is his son.
That follows, logically.
Perhaps you should stick to swearing, as you're clearly not cut out for answering questions.
I saw that video.

You won't believe this. I posted above about the movie The Right Stuff and the post is at 1.17am Sydney time. I just went to make a cup of tea and some toast before I go to bed and just turned the TV on and The Right Stuff is being replayed starting at 1.25am.

I had not looked at the program for today until then and there is at the same time as I was posting. Weird stuff.
This isn't much more than probable, based on TV stations' propensity for repeating a particular film, over and over, while it's available cheaply. You may not 'know' they're doing this, but that doesn't mean your subconscious hasn't picked up on the pattern.
Yet again, you completely misrepresent atheism.
Atheists do not claim that everything can be explained by science.

You said you didn't believe my purple planet story because there is no evidence for it.

I said, then why do you also not believe that god exists?

You said, because you have evidence that god exists.

I am still waiting for you to present said evidence.


You talk like someone who is locked into some form and the boxes on the form.

I have given you one piece of evidence I have that there is something else than just 2 + 2 = 4.

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