ranking in a listbox


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 13:25
Jun 14, 2006
I have a list box that stores the project names in a Form. The user wants to have the ability to order the project in a way they want. And the report need to present this order in the same way. In other word, user wants to move the proejcts around in the listbox.

Could anyone give a hand? Thank you.
You could add a field to the table the data is in called rank and have the user enter the rank of each project and sore the listbox/report ascending by this field.
AFAIK, listboxes doesn't support drag and drop which would do what you were asking about.

But at least what you could do is create a new field in your listbox's rowsource table, let's call it "RelativeIndex". Then create a new dialog form displaying each record in a datasheet with the relative index displayed. You can then change the relativeindex to reflect the order it goes.

Have your listbox rowsource use a query pulling that table sorted by relativeindex ascending.

Thank you KeithG and Banana. I am going to try your suggestions.

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