Hi all
It seems that some have trouble getting Intellisense to work when writing code for common controls.
The trick is to declare the objects at the beginning. For example working with a treeview control declare the treeview and nodes first eg
Dim objTVW As TreeView, objNode As Node
Declare and set your query strings and database objects next.
Then set the treeview object
Set objTVW = Me!YourTreeviewName.Object
Clear all treeview nodes
Set the node object and add the properties
Set objNode = objTVW.Nodes.Add([Relative], [Relationship], [Key], Text, [Image], [Selectedimage])
The Node syntax [bracketed] properties are optional, the Text is required for the node text.
Don't forget to destroy all objects at the end to free memory.
Set objNode = Nothing
Set objTVW = Nothing
Close and destroy database and recordsets
Set db = Nothing
Set rst = Nothing
It seems that some have trouble getting Intellisense to work when writing code for common controls.
The trick is to declare the objects at the beginning. For example working with a treeview control declare the treeview and nodes first eg
Dim objTVW As TreeView, objNode As Node
Declare and set your query strings and database objects next.
Then set the treeview object
Set objTVW = Me!YourTreeviewName.Object
Clear all treeview nodes
Set the node object and add the properties
Set objNode = objTVW.Nodes.Add([Relative], [Relationship], [Key], Text, [Image], [Selectedimage])
The Node syntax [bracketed] properties are optional, the Text is required for the node text.
Don't forget to destroy all objects at the end to free memory.
Set objNode = Nothing
Set objTVW = Nothing
Close and destroy database and recordsets
Set db = Nothing
Set rst = Nothing