change field value on change of other field in form


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 16:35
Feb 12, 2008
What I want to do is following.
In form ASSIGN(fields are takedate and inout) ,if TAKEDATE is different then 0 then set value of inout field to 1
My VBA knowledge is poor cause i dont think this should be hard

thanks in advance
english isnt my native as you can see,so let me try again.
I would like that when I enter some value to field RETURNDATE ( In form ASSIGN) that action automatically change value of field INOUT(also in that form) to value lets say 1.
(Field INOUT will be invisible)
In the OnChange event for the first text box put something like:

You didnt understand me.
when RETURNDATE is entered i want that to trigger change of value of field INOUT to 1 (its default value is 0)
So some kind of IF should be applied i presume
You didnt understand me.
Allow me to provide a bit of 'English' etiquette: When asking for a favor, i.e. asking to help figure out your code, you may want to assume the error of poor communication by replacing 'You didn’t understand me' to 'I failed to explain my self clearly'. :)

At any rate, in the OnChange event for the first text box put something like:

me.INOUT = 0

forgive me,I am trying whole day to make this work,and this is a missing link ,and
you are absolutely right.
But I still do not understand how will INOUT get value 1 if I just add code you put in previous post in RETURNDATE ?

P.S. I am humble and very greatfull for help I receive from this forum
Can you post enough of your database for me to take a look at?

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