I am using Datasheet view when displaying my data.
The data are displayed in a "x,y" matrix wherein data can be directly edited in the Datasheet.
Anything inputted in a certain cell is directly updated to DB.
I want to open the Form, input data but WILL NOT COMMIT then close the Form.
If I open the same Form again, the data shouldn't be changed because it wasn't committed.
What I did was declare a global Workspace:
Then, instantiate it in the very first Form of the system:
In the loading of the Form w/c I want to control the DB update,
I started the db transaction setting:
In the said Form, I modified some data in the Datasheet.
For testing purposes, in my Close button click event, I made a rollback setting:
I did not commit the transaction. So, the data shouldn't been saved.
But when I opened that Form again, the data was not rolled back to its old value.
What's wrong with this?
Aren't these BeginTrans, CommitTrans and Rollback work well with Datasheet?
Calling all Access Gurus...I badly need help.
-= keirnus =-
I am using Datasheet view when displaying my data.
The data are displayed in a "x,y" matrix wherein data can be directly edited in the Datasheet.
Anything inputted in a certain cell is directly updated to DB.
I want to open the Form, input data but WILL NOT COMMIT then close the Form.
If I open the same Form again, the data shouldn't be changed because it wasn't committed.
What I did was declare a global Workspace:
Public WS As DAO.Workspace
Set WS = DBEngine.Workspaces(0)
I started the db transaction setting:
For testing purposes, in my Close button click event, I made a rollback setting:
But when I opened that Form again, the data was not rolled back to its old value.
What's wrong with this?
Aren't these BeginTrans, CommitTrans and Rollback work well with Datasheet?
Calling all Access Gurus...I badly need help.
-= keirnus =-