Filter subform based on another subform


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Today, 11:45
Sep 5, 2008
Dear All,

I have a form that contains two subforms
SubformA contains LogonID, SubformB contains the same but with a different recordset
I would like that if I click on any records in SubformA, SubformB gets filtered to display records for UserID in SubformA

I have put this code to SubformA:
Private Sub Form_Current()
Forms!mainform!SubformB.Form.Filter = "participantid = '" & u565873 & "'"
End Sub
first just to test if filter works on subformB, but I get error message that it is an invalid reference
if I use this code
Private Sub Form_Current()
Forms!mainform!SubformB.Filter = "participantid = '" & u565873 & "'"
End Sub
I get error message that object does not support this property/method

Could you please advise?
Many thanks in advance
Well, the first piece of code is the correct way to do it, you need to use .Form.Filter because you are setting the filter on the form within the subform object, it's not a property of the subform object itself.

I assume u565873 is the control in subformA which holds the participantid and it is text format?
it is not a control, it is text (for testing purposes)
afterwards I would like to put a control of the subform there
If you want to test with an ID manually input into the code for now you need to alter the code slighty. You have it correct for referencing a control but that is not what you are trying to do at the moment.

Forms!mainform!SubformB.Form.Filter = "participantid = 'u565873'"

This is still assuming ParticipantID is a text field.
I tried it
Forms!frm_adminmode!sfr_AdminTrainingHistory.Form.Filter = "participantid = 'u565873'"

and it gives me error message that it is an invalid reference to the form
btw participantid is in subformB (sfr_AdminTrainingHistory)
the above code is in the OnCurrent event of subformA

Any suggestions please?
I think I'm at the limit of my theoretical problem solving, to get further I need something I can see & manipulate. If you attach a copy of the DB in 2003 format I'll have a look.
It can still be linked via the Link Master/Child Fields without the Filter property.

Is the name of the link field called ParticipantID? And is that the how it appears in both subforms record sources?
Please find attached the database
frm_adminmode is the main form
sfr_adminusers is subformA
sfr_admintraininghistory is subformB

so what I would like to achieve in the OnCurrent event of subformA is that subformB gets filtered based on LogonID field in subformA = ParticipantID in subformB
Many thanks


IIf you attach a copy of the DB in 2003 format I'll have a look.

I'm sure others will help with your current attachment but I cannot as I only have Access 2003 (can't open accdb files).
I am sorry I overlooked that
In the meantime I figured out a solution:
insert a textbox to the main form that refers to the ID in subformA
then set the filter property of subformB to the textbox (ID=textbox)!
so VBA was not needed at the end!

Thank you
See the attached which still uses the Link Master/Child Fields. I created a new db shell just to get rid of corruption because it wasn't initially working so the new db is called TrackerNew and there are two versions - 2000 and 2007.

@CBrighton: I've uploaded a 2000 version (of the original db) in case you want to use a different approach.


Thank you very much!
That is a similar method to solve the issue

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