How to add sparklines on an Access report

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Registered User.
Local time
Tomorrow, 00:43
Jan 30, 2011
Because a graphic is more explicit than numbers...

Module Source code:
Option Explicit
'Object : How to add sparklines on an Access report
' -> SparkLine, SparkBars, SparkOnOff
'Date : 29/01/2011
'Author : Philben (based on an idea of E. Tufte -
'Version: 1.0
'Call : On the SectionName_Format event in the report
'Constants for the SparkLine function
Private Const clLineColor As Long = vbBlue    'Line color
Private Const clMinPointColor As Long = vbRed    'Min point color
Private Const clMaxPointColor As Long = vbGreen    'Max point color
Private Const clPointRadius As Long = 15    'Radius of the point (in twips)
'Constants for SparkBars
Private Const clBarColor As Long = vbBlue    'Bar color
Private Const clMinBarColor As Long = vbRed    'Min color
Private Const clMaxBarColor As Long = vbGreen    'Max color
'Constants for SparkOnOff
Private Const clOnBarColor As Long = vbBlue    'Color of positives bars
Private Const clOffBarColor As Long = vbRed    'Color of negatives bars
Private Const clPivotBarColor As Long = vbBlack    'Color of the pivot value
Private Const clPivotHeight As Long = 10    'Height of the pivot (in twips)
'To draw a line graph
'Parameters :
' - Reference of the label control to define the position and the dimensions of the sparkbars
' - The list of values
Public Sub SparkLine(ByRef oSL As Access.Label, ParamArray aValues() As Variant)
    Const clNone As Long = -1
    Dim oRpt As Access.Report
    Dim vMin As Variant, vMax As Variant
    Dim i As Long, lUpper As Long, X As Long, Y As Long, lTmpY As Long, lLastY As Long
    Dim lSpaceWidth As Long, lCountSpace As Long
    Dim fCst As Single
    lUpper = UBound(aValues)
    For i = 0 To lUpper
        If Not IsNull(aValues(i)) Then
            If Not IsEmpty(vMax) Then
                If aValues(i) > vMax Then vMax = aValues(i)
                vMax = aValues(i)
            End If
            If Not IsEmpty(vMin) Then
                If aValues(i) < vMin Then vMin = aValues(i)
                vMin = aValues(i)
            End If
        End If
    Next i
    If Not IsEmpty(vMin) Then
        With oSL
            lSpaceWidth = (.Width - 2 * clPointRadius) / lUpper
            X = .Left + clPointRadius
            fCst = CSng((.Height - 2 * clPointRadius))
            If vMax <> vMin Then
                fCst = CSng(fCst / (vMax - vMin))
            End If
            Y = .Top + .Height
        End With
        Set oRpt = oSL.Parent
        If IsNull(aValues(0)) Then
            lLastY = clNone
            lLastY = CLng(Y - (aValues(0) - vMin) * fCst - clPointRadius)
        End If
        lCountSpace = 1
        For i = 1 To lUpper
            If Not IsNull(aValues(i)) Then
                lTmpY = CLng(Y - (aValues(i) - vMin) * fCst - clPointRadius)
                If lLastY <> clNone Then
                    oRpt.Line (X, lLastY)-(X + lSpaceWidth * lCountSpace, lTmpY), clLineColor
                    SparkLinePoint oRpt, X, lLastY, aValues(i - lCountSpace), vMin, vMax
                End If
                X = X + lSpaceWidth * lCountSpace
                lLastY = lTmpY
                lCountSpace = 1
                lCountSpace = lCountSpace + 1
            End If
        Next i
        If lLastY <> clNone Then SparkLinePoint oRpt, X, lLastY, aValues(i - lCountSpace), vMin, vMax
    End If
End Sub
'To draw a bars graph
'Parameters :
' - Reference of the label control to define the position and the dimensions of the sparkbars
' - The list of values
Public Sub SparkBars(ByRef oSL As Access.Label, ParamArray aValues() As Variant)
    Dim vMin As Variant, vMax As Variant, vMinR As Variant
    Dim i As Long, lUpper As Long, X As Long, Y As Long, Yr As Long
    Dim lBarWidth As Long, lSpaceWidth As Long, lColor As Long
    Dim fCst As Single
    lUpper = UBound(aValues)
    For i = 0 To lUpper
        If Not IsNull(aValues(i)) Then
            If Not IsEmpty(vMax) Then
                If aValues(i) > vMax Then vMax = aValues(i)
                vMax = aValues(i)
            End If
            If Not IsEmpty(vMin) Then
                If aValues(i) < vMin Then vMin = aValues(i)
                vMin = aValues(i)
            End If
        End If
    Next i
    If Not IsEmpty(vMin) Then
        Select Case vMin
        Case Is < vMax
            vMinR = vMin - ((vMax - vMin) / 10)
        Case Is <> 0
            vMinR = vMin - Sgn(vMin) * vMin / 10
        Case Else
            vMinR = 0.9
        End Select
        With oSL
            lBarWidth = CLng(.Width / (lUpper * 1.5 + 1))
            lSpaceWidth = CLng(lBarWidth / 2)
            X = .Left
            Yr = .Height
            Y = .Top + Yr
        End With
        fCst = CSng(Yr / (vMax - vMinR))
        For i = 0 To lUpper
            If Not IsNull(aValues(i)) Then
                Select Case aValues(i)
                Case Is >= vMax
                    lColor = clMaxBarColor
                Case Is <= vMin
                    lColor = clMinBarColor
                Case Else
                    lColor = clBarColor
                End Select
                oSL.Parent.Line (X, Y)-(X + lBarWidth, CLng(Y - (aValues(i) - vMinR) * fCst)), lColor, BF
            End If
            X = X + lBarWidth + lSpaceWidth
        Next i
    End If
End Sub
'To Draw a On/Off graph
'Parameters :
' - Reference of the label to define the position and the dimensions of the sparkbars
' - the pivot value
' - The list of values
Public Sub SparkOnOff(ByRef oSL As Access.Label, ByVal vPivot As Variant, ParamArray aValues() As Variant)
    Dim i As Long, lUpper As Long, X As Long, Y1 As Long, Y2 As Long, lPivotTop As Long
    Dim lBarHeight As Long, lBarWidth As Long, lSpaceWidth As Long, lColor As Long
    vPivot = Nz(vPivot, 0)
    lUpper = UBound(aValues)
    With oSL
        lBarWidth = CLng(.Width / (lUpper * 1.5 + 1))
        lSpaceWidth = CLng(lBarWidth / 2)
        lBarHeight = CLng(.Height - clPivotHeight) / 2
        lPivotTop = .Top + lBarHeight + 1
        X = .Left
    End With
    For i = 0 To lUpper
        If Not IsNull(aValues(i)) Then
            Select Case aValues(i)
            Case Is > vPivot
                Y1 = lPivotTop - 1
                Y2 = Y1 - lBarHeight
                lColor = clOnBarColor
            Case Is < vPivot
                Y1 = lPivotTop + clPivotHeight + 1
                Y2 = Y1 + lBarHeight
                lColor = clOffBarColor
            Case Else
                Y1 = lPivotTop
                Y2 = Y1 + clPivotHeight
                lColor = clPivotBarColor
            End Select
            oSL.Parent.Line (X, Y1)-(X + lBarWidth, Y2), lColor, BF
        End If
        X = X + lBarWidth + lSpaceWidth
    Next i
End Sub
'To Draw a circle for each point on the sparkline
'Used by the SparkLine function
Private Sub SparkLinePoint(ByRef oRpt As Access.Report, ByVal X As Long, ByVal Y As Long, ByVal vValue As Variant, _
                           ByVal vMin As Variant, ByVal vMax As Variant)
    Dim lPointColor As Long
    Select Case vValue
    Case Is >= vMax
        lPointColor = clMaxPointColor
    Case Is <= vMin
        lPointColor = clMinPointColor
    Case Else
        lPointColor = clLineColor
    End Select
    oRpt.FillStyle = 0
    oRpt.FillColor = lPointColor
    oRpt.Circle (X, Y), clPointRadius, lPointColor
End Sub

Best regards,



    55.1 KB · Views: 4,632
  • SparkLine.gif
    9.2 KB · Views: 7,039
  • SparkBars.gif
    12.8 KB · Views: 5,727
  • SparkOnOff.gif
    4.9 KB · Views: 5,018
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Hello Pleasure,
Nice post but unfortunately I get an error : A problem occured while access was communicating with the OLE Server or Activex Control.

Have you installed any Activex controls for this ?

Sorry, but my user account don't have sufficient privileges to respond to you directly (because I'm a new user ?)

I don't have install any activex, I think it's only a missing reference (OLE automation : it's a default reference).

For information, The sparkline is only visible in the print preview mode of the report.


I must be doing something wrong in trying to run your example database in Access 2010 - the detail format and footer format and report footer format events aren't firing.

I can run the calls in those event subs -and even programmatically run the event subs -but get an error that says the Print method and report graphics methods (Circle, Line, PSet, and Scale) can be used only in an event procedure or macro set to the OnPring, the OnFormator te OnPage event property.

Any words of wisdom about what's going on?

Thanks for your time on this.

the detail format and footer format and report footer format events aren't firing.
In Access 2007/2010 the sparkline appears only in the print preview mode (format events are firing).

...get an error that says the Print method and report graphics methods (Circle, Line, PSet, and Scale) can be used only...
Sorry, I don't know the reason why this error occurs. Could you please press on "Compact and Repair" button in Access.


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