Cascading Combo Boxes


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Today, 11:01
Mar 9, 2011
I'm really having trouble with these. I have them working in Excel; is it not possible to just import the formatting from Excel to have this work in Access tables/forms?
Thank you. I have them working but there's just one thing I can't figure out. When I change the primary box (let's call it State) I want the subsequent box (let's call it City) to go blank. Can this be done?
Thank you. I have them working but there's just one thing I can't figure out. When I change the primary box (let's call it State) I want the subsequent box (let's call it City) to go blank. Can this be done?

In the afterupdate event for the State combo box put:

I'm trying to add a 3rd combo box but I can't seem to make it work. I have:
Box 1: Country
Box 2: Province
Box 3: City

Box 1 & 2 work with a code on box 1 after update requery box 2. But if i add that same code to box 2 to requery box 3, it doesn't work.
I don't like the example Alan referred you to. It separates the dependent lists into multiple tables which is just plain wrong in a relational database and makes the process more complicated than it needs to be. In summary:
The RowSource for each dependent combo should be a query with criteria that points to the "previous" combo for criteria.
Select ... From ... Where something = Forms!yourform!combo1;
Select ... From ... Where something = Forms!yourform!combo2;

Then in the AfterUpdate event of each "controlling" combo, clear and requery "dependent" combos.
AfterUpdate for combo1
Me.combo2 = Null
Me.combo3 = Null
AfterUpdate for combo2
Me.combo3 = Null

If you have more combos, just continue the pattern.
I've always used the procedure I referred and not seen yours previously. Do you have a live example that you could post. I'm trying to get my head around your example and maybe its just the time of day or my senior mind not working, but I would like to try this out. Seems at first glance simpler. I will try out when I get home.

This is what I love about forums. Someone always has a better idea to learn from.

Okay now here's something bizarre. I have them working on the form. BUT when I try to make the form a subform in another form, they stop working and prompt me to enter a parameter value. I've checked & triple checked that the parameter value in the category query is referencing the right field in the right table. Frustrated!
perhaps it is time to post a copy of your database so that someone can look at it and see what is happening. Make sure to sanitize it for confidential material and run a compact and repair. Also suggest you save it as an .mdb file as many users still have not upgraded. Try to keep the volume of data limited so that it is not to big.
Thanks, I figured it out! My category query only referenced the main form & not the subform. It works now. Appreciate the help!
Thanks again Pat. Very nice presentation. You've convinced me to change.


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