Run-time error '2059'


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 15:06
Jan 25, 2013
Hello, i have a question and hope someone can help me out here :rolleyes:

In Access i have this VBA code to export a PDF file:

Private Sub Command17_Click()

DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputForm, "TrainingCalenderForm", acFormatPDF, "C:\Users\User\Documents\Trainingmap\Training.pdf"

End Sub

But when i click the button i keep getting this error:

Run-time error '2059':

Microsoft Access cannot find the object '|1'.

My head is starting to hurt can someone see what i'm doing wrong :banghead:
Does the TrainingCalanderForm based on a Query that requires a parameter??
Yeah the form is based on a query..
So what has happened to the second part of my question?
That particular error almost always means that some error has occurred in the form or report you were trying to output based on having named something in the form's RECORDSOURCE query or on a control's ROWSOURCE query, when you spelled the object wrong or named an object that didn't appear in the referenced query's underlying recordset.

I.e. the query processor failed to find an element in something that implies use of a query.
To a start, show the SQL-string for the query the form is based on.
Else post a stripped version of your database with some sample data, (zip it) + info in which form you have the button.

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