Sub ImportXMLFile(myFileName As String)
Dim strLine As String
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset, ColNr As Integer, myFieldName As String
Dim tagStart As Integer, tagLength As Integer, tagEnd As Integer
Dim valStart As Integer, valLength As Integer
Dim myFileID As Integer, RecordNummer As Double, LineNr As Double
Dim TotalRecords As String
Dim LeadingTags As String, ThisTag As String, ThisValue As Variant
prevTag = ""
Dim rsH As DAO.Recordset, rsD As DAO.Recordset
Set rsH = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("Select * from tblHeaders")
Set rsD = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("Select * from tblDetails")
Open myFileName For Input As #1
RecordNummer = 0
LineNr = 0
Line Input #1, strLine
strLine = LTrim(strLine) ' FirstLine
myFileID = Nz(DMax("FileID", "tblHeaders"), 0) + 1
rsH!Fileid = myFileID
rsH!FileName = myFileName
rsH!processdate = Now()
rsH!FirstLine = strLine
Line Input #1, strLine
LineNr = LineNr + 1
strLine = LTrim(strLine) ' SecondLine
rsH!SecondLine = strLine
Line Input #1, strLine
LineNr = LineNr + 1
strLine = LTrim(strLine) ' first nest, start loop
TotalRecords = "?"
Forms("frmImport").lblProgress.Caption = RecordNummer & " / " & TotalRecords
Forms("frmImport").lblProgress.Visible = True
Do While 1 = 1
tagStart = InStr(1, strLine, "<") + 1
tagLength = InStr(tagStart, strLine, ">") - tagStart
tagEnd = tagLength
valStart = tagStart + tagLength + 1
valLength = InStr(valStart - 1, strLine, "<") - valStart
ThisTag = Mid(strLine, tagStart, tagLength)
ThisValue = Null
If valLength > 0 Then
ThisValue = Mid(strLine, valStart, valLength)
If ThisTag = "/NearingEndXML" Then
' nearly end of the file, stop reading
Exit Do
ElseIf Left(ThisTag, 1) = "/" Then
LeadingTags = Left(LeadingTags, Len(LeadingTags) - Len(ThisTag))
ElseIf Right(ThisTag, 1) = "/" Then
' un-nesting tag
' nesting tag
LeadingTags = LeadingTags & "/" & ThisTag
End If
ThisValue = Null
End If
If 1 = 2 Then
' dummy for formatting purposes
ElseIf LeadingTags = "/SomeTag" Then
ElseIf LeadingTags = "/SomeTag/SubTag" Then
If 1 = 2 Then
' dummy for formatting purposes
ElseIf ThisTag = "TagWithValue1" Then
rsH.Fields(ThisTag) = ThisValue
ElseIf ThisTag = "TagWithValue2" Then
rsH.Fields(ThisTag) = ThisValue
ElseIf ThisTag = "TagWithValue3" Then
rsH.Fields(ThisTag) = ThisValue
TotalRecords = ThisValue
Forms("frmImport").lblProgress.Caption = RecordNummer & " / " & TotalRecords
ElseIf ThisTag = "CheckSum" Then
rsH.Fields(ThisTag) = CDbl(Replace(ThisValue, ".", "")) / 100
End If
ElseIf LeadingTags = "SomeTag/SubTag/MoreTag" Then
If 1 = 2 Then
' dummy for formatting purposes
ElseIf ThisTag = "Name" Then
' there are more tags with name, so I prefix it with something to make it unique in the table.
rsH.Fields("MoreTag" & ThisTag) = ThisValue
End If
ElseIf LeadingTags = ....
.... etc....
' cut off the current tag, so we can check for multiple tags on one line
If valLength > 0 Then
strLine = LTrim(Mid(strLine, tagLength + 3 + valLength))
strLine = LTrim(Mid(strLine, tagLength + 3))
End If
If Left(strLine, tagEnd + 3) = "</" & ThisTag & ">" And valLength > 0 Then
' closing tag, hopefully we got a value
strLine = LTrim(Mid(strLine, tagEnd + 4))
End If
If Len(strLine) = 0 Then
' nothing left on the line read the next
Line Input #1, strLine
LineNr = LineNr + 1
strLine = LTrim(strLine)
End If
' for debugging only
' DoEvents
' Debug.Print "Line: " & strLine
' Debug.Print "Tags: " & LeadingTags
' Stop
Close #1
End Sub