Most frequently used data in a field


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Local time
Yesterday, 20:19
Jun 25, 2014
How can i see the most frequently used data in a field?
For example if i have years put in a field, how can i see what is the most frequently used year and also how many times it's used? It will be a plus if i can see all the years in order.

Also if i have one field and in that field i have more than one name, can i find again which is the most frequently used name?
Let's take it one step at a time, starting with your Years field.

Do you know how to build a query using the Max aggregate function?
i started using access 5 days ago :D.. so no :D
Cool :) You probably don't know enough to accomplish what you're trying to achieve and I'm not even sure you've created your tables properly. To be honest, you need to first understand how tables work before you delve into this stuff.

Anyway, here are some links to get you started on queries:
so i can do this in a queries only? can i do it in a form too
Well, you do it in a query and display that query in your form.
Queries are for aggregating or calculating data and forms are for displaying/manipulating data.

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