searching for a record based on primary key


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 15:45
Mar 21, 2002
I have a form that is based on a query with a 5 digit number as the primary key. I would like to be able to search for a specific record based on that number in the form. Here is a little background, when the form is opened it prompts for the password then for the first number they wish to search for. The user goes in the form and enters the data, but if they would like to update another record they have to exit the form and then re-enter, this mean re-entering the password as well. I would like a way for the user to move from record to record while in the form. I tried using the wizard to create a command button to search but this does not work because when the form is opened it prompts the user for a number so the search button sees this as being the only record in the query (the first search is done in the query) so it says it cannot find the record. I hope this all makes sense. How can I allow users to search within the form? Do I need to modify the setup now and take the first search out of the query and do it some other way? Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you
Laurat, see the attached file. It contains a form with search fields, you can Search by First Name, Last Name, or ID. Enjoy.



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