Network connection error message


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 00:28
Jul 27, 2000
My database works fine for a while and then all of a sudden I get the following error message when I try to open a form or report with any event procedure:

The expression [event name] as the event property produced the following error: Error accessing file. Network connection may have been lost.

My references are, in this order:
M/S Access 9.0 Object Library
OLE Automation
M/S DAO 3.6 Object Library
M/S VBA Extensibility 5.3

These are the same as in another database that has been working fine.

I am connected to a hub for connecting to the DSL but it happens even if I'm not logged in.

Help will be greatly appreciated.


Search this forum or the Microsoft Knowledge Base using your error message text and you should receive some meaningful results.

Thanks, Tim, It looks like this is a popular problem that may have been fixed with Sp-3. I've printed the article from the knowledge base and will give it a try.

Quick & Dirty Work around here

I get the error when I copy, paste, and modify a report (usually to make a duplicate report that is similar to the first one) and then add a button to open the report. This puts an event procedure into code when I use the command button wizard.

If I save and close at this point, the database won't re-open when I want to use it the next time and I see the error messages you describe. I NEVER had this problem in Ac97, only Ac2K.

Microsoft has a fix at MKB#304548 by loading SR-3, but it's a hassle since you have to work your way up thru intermediate versions first. A good workaround is to hit Alt-F11 to open the debugger and compile the database before you close it down after making your changes. It then re-opens OK. This has worked for me 100% of the time.

I still make a backup copy of my database before copying a report just in case and when I get a free afternoon I'll probably install the SR-3, but this is the quick and dirty method. And once you've lost your first database, you won't forget to do it the next time!
I unfortunately have not been as lucky as rpadams. It has not worked 100% of the time especially when importing ojects. I would recommend patching to SR-3 as it fixes a couple of other niggles as well (despite it being a bit of a hassle) in all the office components - why run the risk of having to rebuild when the SR will avoid the problem in the first place?
My version of A2K feels like an old, poorly maintained car. SP3 solved the Network connection error problem but shortly thereafter I discovered that the Linked Table Manager didn't work -- annoying but not so annoying that I wanted to clear my desk and go through another reinstallation all the way back up to SP3. And the Help file has always been an adventure -- hard drive thrashing for many seconds before a window appears, a window that then shrinks and shrivels, dashing to the upper left hand corner of my screen. I've reinstalled a few times to get this back together but it soon enough returns to its old ways.

Not that I'm complaining...


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