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Can I Design it myself?

Yes! This is certainly possible. In fact, part of our website covers this very area. Designing it yourself can save you money but be very careful! You can often end up spending a lot of time and never getting quite what you want.

When Should I Design it Myself?

If you have good computer literacy and more time than money. It does take a while to learn but training and a helping hand will make life much easier. Some areas will benefit greatly from the experience of an expert, while others can be done by yourself.

When Should I Leave it to the Experts?

If your computer skills are average or below average; you want a robust application; you want more functionality than a very basic database. No-one can do it like a professional. They will ensure it is set up right the first time and will work exactly to your specifications.

What are common uses of a database?

1. Why choose Microsoft Access?

2. Why not design the database myself?

3. What are common uses of a database?

4. What are the benefits to my company?


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