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Microsoft Access Beginners Training Contents

Database Primer
What is a flat file database and why are they too limited for most applications?
What is a relational database and how can it help you?
When must you use a relational database?
When should you use Excel and when should you use Access?
Table Creation
What are tables and why are they the building blocks of Access?
What are: fields, data types, primary key?
3 essential tips on correctly naming fields.
Why every table must have a primary key.
How to create relationships between tables.
How to add fields to an existing table.
What are records?
The 7 critical steps all Access users must take when designing a table.

Why you should never use the form wizard?

The 5 simple mistakes every beginner makes when creating tables and how to avoid them.
Query Creation
What are queries and why are they so important?
How to design a Select query to interrogate your data.
Using parameter queries to make your query use more flexible.
What is a Dynaset?
How to add fields to a query you made earlier.
Form Creation
What are forms and when are they used?
Why forms are the "bricks" of a Microsoft Access application.
How to create a form for easy data entry.
What are the types of form and when should you use each?
How design view can make your forms look how you want.
How to add fields to an existing form.
10 common mistakes beginners make when designing forms.
Report Creation
What are reports and when would you use them?
How to create a professional looking report.
What are the types of report and when should you use each one.
Why understanding design view is essential if you want valuable reports.
What is a macro and why are they used?
What is the autoexec macro and why is it so important?
How to create a simple autoexec macro.
Essential Tips
When should you use the wizard for: tables, queries, forms and reports?
How you can create a user friendly application with command buttons.
How to get immediate help when you are stuck for what to do.
Why more time spent planning can save you hours in the long run.
How the right mouse button can save you heaps of time when designing in Access.

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