Recent content by eugzl

  1. E

    open saved import external data vba code

    Hi All. I imported external text file and saved that process. Is it possible to open and modify code of the process in VBA? Thanks
  2. E

    remove extra spaces between words

    Hi All. How to create query to remove extra spaces between words in the fields table. I tried like that: SELECT LName = TRIM(replace(replace(replace(LName,' ','<>'),'><',''),'<>',' ')), FName = TRIM(replace(replace(replace(FName,' ','<>'),'><',''),'<>',' ')), MName =...
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    How to save Access file linked to SQL Server

    Hi sonic8. Thanks for replay. I did my last Access project long time ago. That why when I connected to SQL Server and tried to save I didn't see extension that I used earlier. Thank you.
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    How to save Access file linked to SQL Server

    Hi All. I connected Access 365 to SQL Server 2016. What extension I need to select to save Access DB file: .accdb or .mdb? Why I didn't see option to save Access as project with .adp extension? Thanks
  5. E

    export query to Excel file

    Hi All. How create VBA Function or Procedure to perform following: Filter table data by current date Export result to Excel file Locate created Excel file to certain network folder If this is possible, how to do it? Thanks
  6. E

    how dynamically change caption of TabControl page

    Hi tvanstiphout. Thanks for reply. It works fine. Thank you so much.
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    how dynamically change caption of TabControl page

    Hi All. In the form I have 2 command buttons cmdPrevious and cmdNext. Also 2 text fields txtMonday and txtFriday. When I click one of the buttons, txtMonday and txtFriday get the previous week's or next week's dates: Monday and Friday. Now I would like to create a script, when the date value of...
  8. E

    how create query to check data

    Hi All. How to create 4 type of qury: 1. to retreive data where string field has only numeric data. 2. to retreive data where string field has onlt alphabitic data. 3. to retreive data where string field has only alphanumeric data. 4. to retreive data where string field has data with special...
  9. E

    query problem

    Hi The_Doc_Men. Thanks for reply. I found the problem. In Access query each JOIN statement must have open paraeneses after FROM statement and close paraeneses after JOIN statement, accept last one.
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    query problem

    Hi All. I created query: see attached file query_A1.txt When I ran I got error message: I tried to find a problem by cut code related for Execution2 and Execution3. But leave code related for Execution1 - see attached file query_A2.txt. That part of query works fine. Then copy and paste whole...
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    problem import Access 2016 .accdb table to SQL Server 2019

    Thanks everyone. I found decision here.
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    problem import Access 2016 .accdb table to SQL Server 2019

    Hi ComputerVersteher. Thanks for reply. I have SSMS and SQL Server installed on the same machine. I checked redistry of my PC. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Access Connectivity Engine\Engines SystemDB - system.mdb HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ODBC\ODBCINST.INI\Microsoft...
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    problem import Access 2016 .accdb table to SQL Server 2019

    Hi All. I have problem to import .accdb database table to SQL Server 2019 via SSMS. The both apps MS Access 2016 and SQL Server are 64-bits. Also I installed Access Database Engine using accessdatabaseengine_X64,exe installation file. But when tried to use import data wizard in SQL Server...
  14. E

    problem import spreadsheet to access

    Convert .TXT file to .XLSX file In menu bar select External Data --> extend New Data Source --> From File --> Excel In Get External Data click Browse button to navigate Excel file In Import Spreadsheet Wizard check fields name and their data type --> click Next Choose my primary key --> click...
  15. E

    problem import spreadsheet to access

    Hi All. I tried to import data from an Excel spreadsheet that has no duplicates into Access. When I used the Access wizard to do this, I ended up with a lot of duplicates in the table. When I copied and pasted the same spreadsheet into an Access table, there were no duplicates. What is the...
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