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  1. S

    updating table with a count or sum

    i am trying top create a stock take form. the form is now set up so each time an item is scanned a new record is created in the tblStockUpdate. i ow need to create an update query that updates tblItems with the correct quantities. the relational data will be the barcode and is unique to each...
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    continuous from with subform

    i have managed to make it show the records with the after change event on txtSubID to requery the subform.
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    continuous from with subform

    thank you for that. but what is it meant to do exactly. there are no records appearing in the -TreatmentSubform
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    continuous from with subform

    have you not opened the attachment? frmWaitingList-Subform Has ID and frmWaitingList-Treatmentsubform has tblWaitingListID. sorry i wrote the last post incorrectly
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    continuous from with subform

    tblWaitingList.ID & tblWaitingListTreatments.tblWaitingListID the tblWaitingListID maybe should be WaitingListID
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    continuous from with subform

    in the treatment subform master field i have put Forms!frmWaitingList!frmWaitingList-Subform!ID in the child field i have put tblWaitingListID is this right. is it even within the correct form. this is very new ground for me. i tried changing the source object but that changes the whole...
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    continuous from with subform

    sorry im braindead. try checking design view. ha ha
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    continuous from with subform

    i have read it and i dont seem to be able to find the subform linker. is it because i created a form then draged it in instead of creating a subform within the main form
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    continuous from with subform

    what would this do. or is it a big suprise?
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    continuous from with subform

    i have attempted what you suggested vba. i have created 2 subforms. both continuous. i have created a buttton on the waiting list record to show treatments within that record on the 2nd subform. just to see if it works really. i have attached the relevant tables and forms and welcome any...
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    continuous from with subform

    sounds like it would do the trick but im not sure the data would display easily. its for a waiting list. so we could do with quick viewing and the girls are beauty therapists. not exactly pc friendly and they can make alot of mistakes. one possibility would be to have the continuous for...
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    Audit Trail Option in Access

    i have an audit trail. im not sure if i did it correctly but i created an audit tbl. then on every click of every button i put some code in. to append data to the audit tbl. i did create a log in screen first though. this is recorded too. its quite a long way to go about it depending on how big...
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    continuous from with subform

    i know all you guys out there are gonna tell me this cant be done for various reasons however i had this image in my head of what i wanted to do and what it would look like. however it cant be done via the subform route so i will need some suggestions. what i have is a one to many table format...
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    First Appointment Of The Day For Each Employee

    i wasnt trying to argue. i was just trying to find the most definitive route of getting the unique record. there are variables that can happen that would cause an error in this. because it is not a unique record. yes those 3 factors date time employeeID can narrow the results down to one record...
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    First Appointment Of The Day For Each Employee

    the date and time are not unique to them. some days we have 4 employees and all could have something in at the same time. i really could do with OrderID to be able to have the unique relationship.
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    First Appointment Of The Day For Each Employee

    that is what i acheived but you have the extra OrderId in there. when i added that columnit listed more than just the results you got. all i need now is to add the column Items. i have added the sql below SELECT tblEmployeeList.FirstName, tblOrders.OrderDate, Min(tblOrders.OrderTime) AS...
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    First Appointment Of The Day For Each Employee

    hi guys, its been a while since i was last on here but i have run into some difficulty with a query i would like to append some data to a tmp tbl. i want to get the first appointment of the day for each employee. i have attached the relevant tables and a query that shows the information i need...
  18. S

    xmas countdown

    i managed it. text box 1 = =Format(#25/12/2014#-Now(),"0") (gives day count) text box 2 = vba - Me.txtCountdownHoursMinutesSeconds = Format(#12/25/2014# - Now(), " hh:nn:ss") bingo
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    xmas countdown

    no worries i understand. i just thought it was smple enough for a quick answer
  20. S

    xmas countdown

    thanks vba. i tried that but im not sure how to do it. i dont use dates much. i did try format(DateDiff("d",Now(),#25/12/2014#),"d hh:mm:ss") but this didnt seem to work. have i done something wrong with this?
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