Why become a member?
If you become a member of the Access World discussion forum, you are joining a bustling community of Microsoft Access users of all levels. We have experts who help out each other and those with less skill. There is a social side to it too.
Let me summarize what you will get by joining:
- Fast help with your Microsoft Access problems
- Learn how others use Microsoft Access
- Share your knowledge with others
- Tap into our growing codebase
- Make friends and network
It is free of charge and takes 2 minutes to join. Why not sign up now and start enjoying the benefits of our free membership!
What is a Microsoft Access forum?
Many people are not aware of what a discussion forum is and how it can help them. If this is you then read on. You are about to discover how immensely invaluable they can be if you use Microsoft Access.
A discussion forum is a place where people of a common interest go to learn, help others, get solutions to their problems and “hang out”. In this case, the common interest is Microsoft Access, although it does spill over into other areas. By joining in, you get the benefit of over 50,000 Microsoft Access users, which is a huge knowledge-base of information into which you can tap.
This resource can help you rapidly solve problems that would take hours by your own undertaking. You can say its being efficient. Not only that, you can learn from the experts or if you are an expert yourself, help others who are stuck with their problems. There is joy in giving as well as the benefit of cementing your own knowledge. When you teach, you are simultaneously deepening your own knowledge. Both you and the person needing help are better off as a result. But not only that, the whole community benefits. By building up a bank of questions and answers, anyone of all levels can search and utilise this information.
Why use Microsoft Access?
Microsoft Access is the most popular database in the world and there is good reason for it too. It is not just because it is included with Microsoft Office and therefore distributed to many desktops throughout offices. Rather, it is because it has been developed over time to become a sophisticated yet easy to use piece of software. You can rapidly create databases with all manner of functionatlity.
Here is a list of reasons why you might like to use Microsoft Access:
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Expert Volunteers wanted!
If you are an expert in Microsoft Access and want to contribute to the body of knowledge we are creating on this site, then we are very grateful for any articles that you have written. We can put them in the article area for others to use and in some cases provide a link to a forum thread created for that article.