Table with lookup entires issue


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Today, 16:59
Mar 25, 2011
I've setup a business database for companies we deal with, using Access 2010 I will eventually put the 'database' on a SQL server and use forms to access it from a users perspective.

As part of adding the business types I want to make sure that when someone enters the data in the field they pick from a list of business types. i.e. Estate Agents, Solicitors, Accountants, etc... (so we dont end up with typo's, etc.)

So I have created a 'Lookup field' when I created the table so I can pick it from a table when I add a business (from either the datasheet or a form). This works fine but I don't want the 'link' to the 'work type' table to stay?

So effectively I want to pick from a list of work types then just be left with the text in the field not the link to the work type table.

I hope this makes sense.
I've setup a business database for companies we deal with, using Access 2010 I will eventually put the 'database' on a SQL server and use forms to access it from a users perspective.

As part of adding the business types I want to make sure that when someone enters the data in the field they pick from a list of business types. i.e. Estate Agents, Solicitors, Accountants, etc... (so we dont end up with typo's, etc.)

So I have created a 'Lookup field' when I created the table so I can pick it from a table when I add a business (from either the datasheet or a form). This works fine but I don't want the 'link' to the 'work type' table to stay?

So effectively I want to pick from a list of work types then just be left with the text in the field not the link to the work type table.

I hope this makes sense.

So you want them to choose from a list and that choice stored into a different table? If so you need to do this on the form. Do a search for combo box.
Thanks, I changed over the settings then on the form used a query to lookup the relevent list for the combo box.

Thats solved it!

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