Do you eat horsemeat?


Old registered user
Local time
Today, 12:36
Feb 22, 2002
There is a bit of a fuss in the UK at the moment about beef products like lasagne and the like having horsemeat added to the beef mince.

Horsemeat is not generally eaten in the UK but is widely eaten in mainland Europe, especially by the arrogant Frogs and greasy Italians.

Is horsemeat eaten in the USA?
If you have Findus frozen meat then there is a good chance it contains horsemeat.

Personally, I can't see what the fuss is about apart from a labelling issue but there is always a panic and tons of good food is destroyed when so many are starving and need it, but who cares about the starving? Not the UK that's for sure.

Apparently horsemeat is in many burgers and frozen ready meals that are labelled beef all over Europe, so it's not only a UK issue.

I've never knowingly had it. I try to eat everything pretty local and organic.
I've eaten it in the past in various forms, and would do so again. However I was fully aware of what I was eating.

The problem in this current fiasco as I see it is one of labelling.
The interesting question for me is why do we have these artificial barriers. If you are not prepared to eat Horse, Cat, Dog, etc. then why not swear off all meat?
Is it available over the counter in the USA?

It would appear not , however it would seem that certain section of the Canadian population do not share those qualms.
It's definitely not available in mass distribution in the US. I'm sure most people here would agree that generally horses, as well as dogs and cats, are more intelligent than cows according to most socially acceptable studies. The argument can be put forth that a cows lifestyle doesn't demand much intelligence, but when something can be routinely "tipped" and can starve to death because grass is too tall or die of thirst in a field of snow, I would say they aren't very intelligent. I think we consider animals with lower intelligence not necessarily pet worthy and have less of a problem eating them.
A lot of people have no issue with eating Pork, and yet pigs are said to be on par or exceed the intelligence of dogs, so I'm afraid that that argument holds no water and just further underlines the arbitrary nature of where the line between companion and food animal is drawn.

The argument concerning intelligence then leads you into some rather nasty territory. If you are willing to draw lines between various non-human species based on perceived intelligence are you also equally happy to draw lines between humans based on measured intelligence?
I have run cows for over 30 years. Even milked them for several years. They are smarter then many people give them credit for and they are quite friendly.

Pigs are far smarter than any dog or cat yet many of us eat them.
Cows are extremely intelligent; they have no concept of daylight saving. :rolleyes:

Octopuses are quite smart but they taste good too.
Sheep are stupid and roast lamb is my favourite roast, I also agree with the comments on fish and squid, is there a correlation between lack of intelligence and flavour ? :)

Only if they a expertly cooked to avoid having the texture of rubber.

Well there's your problem straight up :D Best squid I've ever eaten was in a sushi restaurant in Japan, it was so fresh the tentacles were still twitching when the dish arrived at the table.
Yeah it's true that all too frequently squid can be rubbery, the Japanese sushi do it well but the best was at a scruffy looking outdoor, trestle tables on sand leading to wooden serving counters, eating place behind the port of Agadir in morocco , would not have gone there if there hadn't been a group of us, but it was the best fish platter ever, and a damn sight cheaper than the sushi bars in Japan. :D


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