Needed : an upmarket ski resort.


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Today, 12:07
Jul 8, 2013
I always like to plan my annual ski-ing holiday well in advance. We usually go to
Gstaadt if only because their treatment of celebrity VIP's. ( not me, but my wife, whose show business background assures us first class treatment ).

The last few seasons, though, have been spoiled by an influx of pikey types such as second hand car dealers and builders, mainly from Essex and East London. One wretched man even bothered my wife for her auto signature until I had him thrown out of the restaurant ! He seemed to believe that his living in Shoeburyness and being a branch manager of something called an Argus store entitled him to be a bloody nuisance !

My teenage daughter ( who knows about chic, upmarket places to visit ) would have me believe that Crans-Montana is a great stylish and up market ski resort.

Anybody care to confirm it as being exclusive and pikey free ?
I sadly have no knowledge of any ski resorts, as I have never been, on my bucket list of things to learn to do and to go, but not quite there yet...
You could do a lot worse than try Chamonix. Great ski ing and good shopping, although if you are planning to use a credit card you may get stung by the retailers. I always pay by American Express or Diners Club when I go there.
You could do a lot worse than try Chamonix. Great ski ing and good shopping, although if you are planning to use a credit card you may get stung by the retailers. I always pay by American Express or Diners Club when I go there.

Thanks for the advice. :)

I know my girlfriend wants to give it a go too, so I may just check it out...
I can relate to that. I have a little three level condo on the trout river in Vail, CO. It use to be a trendy place. Now, there are just Texans wearing T-shirts with Texas oil on the soles of their boots. They leave dark foot tracks in the white snow.
So, I only cross country ski now.
However, Beaver Creek, Colorado is really nice. The last time I was there being escorted out, I did complain to security, "I have been thrown out of much more classy places than this"
I too have a ski lodge in the US. It is in Sugarbush, Warren, Maine. I don't get there too often nowadays, nor to my loft apartment in Manhattan. My neighbours in Warren are Jewish New Yorkers who turn up in a two wheel drive Porsche 911, and are forever asking me to tow them out of snowdrifts. Why can't they at least buy a 4WD 911 ? I have one here in England and they are great in the snow !

I don't go to the US very much anymore because the Immigration Officers are such sons of bitches ! A couple of years ago I was refused admission into San Francisco because I was busted for having a bit of weed here in England back in 1972 ! Luckily, I have a very good contact in the US State Department, so a phone call got me in, but if I didn't know Hillary I'd still be languishing in bloody ' Frisco.
How do you know they are "Jewish" did they have the Star of David on their clothing? Maybe it was the tattoo on their right arm? And now you know Hillary..:rolleyes: where can we find these books you have authored? All your threads need to be moved to the "Story" thread you know the one, it's where you make shit up as you go. Found here.

His imagination is pretty good though.
How did I know they were Jewish ? Are you kidding ? Rachel and Isidore Weinberger and you've gotta ask ?!

I've only had one book published, but it sold so many thousands of copies that my publisher
commissioned me to write three more on the same subject. I said I would, but only if I could write another book on a subject of my own choosing. He said " Fine. You can write two ! ". So now I'm writing five bloody books. Three on American military history, one on shark attacks and the last is the biography of a very famous man - my father.

I know H.C. because of the help she gave me on book number one.
How did I know they were Jewish ? Are you kidding ? Rachel and Isidore Weinberger and you've gotta ask ?!

I've only had one book published, but it sold so many thousands of copies that my publisher
commissioned me to write three more on the same subject. I said I would, but only if I could write another book on a subject of my own choosing. He said " Fine. You can write two ! ". So now I'm writing five bloody books. Three on American military history, one on shark attacks and the last is the biography of a very famous man - my father.

I know H.C. because of the help she gave me on book number one.

I know some Kaplans (parents are Jewish, they are not).
So you are a self describe publisher that will not allow others to fact check..I get it.

I'm sorry. I don't understand. I have never claimed to be a publisher. I would be utterly incapable of undertaking that role, since I am not a " people person " and publishers need to be thoroughly simpatico with others.
I am not. I hate people......unless they are rich, intelligent and handsome like myself, and somehow I don't think that you are any of those things.

However, I may be wrong. You may be rich, handsome and intelligent....and more ! So why don't you let us know your name, address, telephone number and bank account details so we can find out for ourselves, since that is presumably what you are asking of me !

Oh, yes. It'd be informative if we could also have your children's names, age and gender. You could also, if you so desired, let us know what schools they go
I'm sorry. I don't understand. I have never claimed to be a publisher. I would be utterly incapable of undertaking that role, since I am not a " people person " and publishers need to be thoroughly simpatico with others.
I am not. I hate people......unless they are rich, intelligent and handsome like myself, and somehow I don't think that you are any of those things.

However, I may be wrong. You may be rich, handsome and intelligent....and more ! So why don't you let us know your name, address, telephone number and bank account details so we can find out for ourselves, since that is presumably what you are asking of me !

Oh, yes. It'd be informative if we could also have your children's names, age and gender. You could also, if you so desired, let us know what schools they go

Wanting bank account details eh...

Are you also that Nigerian Prince who keeps emailing me... :p
I'm sorry. I don't understand. I have never claimed to be a publisher. I would be utterly incapable of undertaking that role, since I am not a " people person " and publishers need to be thoroughly simpatico with others.
I am not. I hate people......unless they are rich, intelligent and handsome like myself, and somehow I don't think that you are any of those things.

However, I may be wrong. You may be rich, handsome and intelligent....and more ! So why don't you let us know your name, address, telephone number and bank account details so we can find out for ourselves, since that is presumably what you are asking of me !

Oh, yes. It'd be informative if we could also have your children's names, age and gender. You could also, if you so desired, let us know what schools they go

I thought that he was asking for the book title, auther and publisher, maybe he wants to read it.

Accesblaster , it is not col unless he is being particularly clever. This moron made a comment about duty free in one thread which anybody who has passed through a European airport or port would know was not true. I doubt that he has travelled further than his garden gate.

Nobody ever said Col wasn't clever, but this guy does wiggle out of direct question in a similar fashion.

It isn't Col, I like Col, this guy is just a twat, he cant even keep his own lies consistant, he is just casting mindless adolescent dribble pretending to be somebody that he isnt...

Although the sadistic side of me hope he stays around and continues to post, as boy are they entertaining to read...
Marvellous Merlin does read four books a week. Maybe it's his own multimillion seller.

Four a week is 0.57 books per day, or, based on say 350 pages per book, that's 7.29 pages per hour every hour every day.

Marvellous Merlin does read four books a week. Maybe it's his own multimillion seller.

Four a week is 0.57 books per day, or, based on say 350 pages per book, that's 7.29 pages per hour every hour every day.


I never knew the Peter and Janet books were that long... :rolleyes::D

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