transfering an export/import specification from one database to another


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Today, 19:42
Dec 16, 2008
Importing a table or a form or report from one database to another is quiet simple in MS Access 2007.
Exporting or importing a saved import- or export specification -e.g. a table that must be exported to a csv file in a specific folder from one database to another seems to be a whole other story.
Until now i couldn't find out the location where Access stores the saved specification, so the transfer of this saved specification to another database seems to be impossible.
Can someone tell if this is possible and if so how to do it?

In Access 2007, display the "External Data" tab. Click on the "Access" option.

Use the Browse button to locate the file you want to import the saved import-export specification. Once a database has been specified, the "OK" button will become available. Clic the OK button to display the Import Objects dialog box. Click the "Options >>" button at the bottom of the list of buttons on the right side of the dialog box. One of the options in the "Import" group is "Import/Export Specs". Check this option. When you click the "Ok" button on the Import Objects dialog box the specification will be imported.

How do I import a database specification table that is stored in an Excel .xls into Access 2010? The Excel file has specifications for 98 fields and it will take forever to key them into the Import Specification window:banghead:
Hi. I followed the steps for transfering an export/import specification from one database to another but keep getting "The search key was not found in any record". Other object will export without problem. I even created a new (blank) database to import to, and even used different databases to import from. Same result in all attempts. Please help Specs is too long to re-key.
Upload the db containing just the specs let's see if we can export it.
database size is 37,360 kb. 2 attempts to upload failed. Deleted all objects and compacted. Size reduced from 502,128 kb to 37 kb. What else can I do?

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Like I mentioned, only the specs.

1. Create a copy of your db
2. Delete all the tables, forms, reports, macros... basically delete all the objects
3. Compact & Repair
4. Zip file and upload.
Thanks. I had already done 1,2,3. Didnt think to zip. File is now zipped. The zipped file Size is 5,952 KB, which is still larger than maximum of 2.0 that the forum allows for this file type. I am not sure how I could further reduce the size to upload it. Any additional suggestions?
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It's not possible that your import specs are 5MB or is it? Did you delete all the code and Debug > Compile then Compact & Repair?
I deleted EVERYTHING in the object list ... including modules. I use the "compact on close" option which compacted the database from 500 mb to 37 mb then zipped it to 5 mb. Dont know what to do to reduce the size. Could I send it to your email?
Just one more thing, did you go to the Code Window (i.e. the VBA code editor) itself and delete the Class Modules as well?
Yes I did. Did it again and still have a larger-than-2MB file. However, I did find a way around it.

Export the table from the old DB as CSV or Excel file. Import it into the new DB , modify and save the spec. BINGO!

Thanks so much for your help.
Yes I did. Did it again and still have a larger-than-2MB file. However, I did find a way around it.

Export the table from the old DB as CSV or Excel file. Import it into the new DB , modify and save the spec. BINGO!

Thanks so much for your help.

Thanks, this is what I have been looking for. However, once the import has created the new table in the DB, how do you modify & save the Spec?
Thanks, this is what I have been looking for. However, once the import has created the new table in the DB, how do you modify & save the Spec?
The same process you used to create an import spec is the same way you edit and save it.
I can do that with a text import, but DJPEARCE stated that it could be done with an Excel import. I don't see a way to do that with an Excel import. Is there an option in Excel I need to tweak? When I import an Excel file, it automatically defines the columns & data types, and doesn't allow me to alter them. It does not create an import spec.

So, when djpearce said that she could do it with an Excel import, I was interested in getting more information about that.
So, when djpearce said that she could do it with an Excel import, I was interested in getting more information about that.
Import Specifications are for Text Files. What djpearce was referring to is the Saved Import.
in access 2003 you can use access system tables:
MSysIMEXSpecs, MSysIMEXColumns

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