Are you an atheist?

Are you an atheist?

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All moderate students of any of the Abrahamic religions claim that the holy texts have been mistranslated or misinterpreted because they are appalling if read as they are actually written.

The fundamentalists are the only ones actually following the books to the letter. That is why they are called "fundamentalists". They follow the fundamental tenets of the books.

The moderates always accuse atheists of cherry picking because we point out the violence, bigotry and misogyny. They claim it needs to be "read as a whole" to gather the true meaning.

But they are ones saying it is the word of God yet ignoring great swathes of it as suits them.

It is apparent as Spikepl's post tells you some of the commandments are quite absurd.
All moderate students of any of the Abrahamic religions claim that the holy texts have been mistranslated or misinterpreted because they are appalling if read as they are actually written.

The fundamentalists are the only ones actually following the books to the letter. That is why they are called "fundamentalists". They follow the fundamental tenets of the books.

The moderates always accuse atheists of cherry picking because we point out the violence, bigotry and misogyny. They claim it needs to be "read as a whole" to gather the true meaning.

But they are ones saying it is the word of God yet ignoring great swathes of it as suits them.

Hi Galaxiom: not really sure what you were trying to say but 'I believe' you may have gotten it wrong. There is a first for everyone,,,,, lol

a form of a religion, especially Islam or Protestant Christianity, that upholds belief in the strict, literal interpretation of scripture.

    • strict adherence to the basic principles of any subject or discipline.
      plural noun: fundamentalisms
      "free-market fundamentalism"

    In other words the fundamentalist are for the dogma, rest in hell, etc. That is why the Radical Islamic Terrorist are so bad. They use the bible strictly as it is written in the OLD Testament believing in it as an 'inerrant' (without error) book

On the other hand, most protestants lean more to the moderate Evangelicalism
Evangelicalism, or Evangelical Protestantism, [a] is a worldwide, transdenominational movement within Protestantism, maintaining that the essence of the gospel consists in the doctrine of salvation by faith in Jesus Christ's atonement.

In other words your sins were paid for by his death on the cross and all he ask is that you believe in him. The essence of his speech is "Love". All you have to do is make a simple choice and follow his teachings. Rem, the ten commandments were issued to God's people. They have been applied over the ages and as far as I am concerned are not really bad thing to install in a person on young age. If they live by them, they are going to be a good person. Rem, there is a big difference in Man's laws and Biblical law that mostly applied to the OLD Testament and the children of Israel.

Fundamentalist do not believe Jesus Christ is a prophet nor is he the son of God. While in fact the New Testament actually teaches us of the Trinity: 'Father Son and Holy Ghost' are all the same. Again it is your choice and nobody else has to know. I am just one of those that does not care who knows I BELIEVE!

Your Choice!

Have a great day my friend

Hi Galaxiom: not really sure what you were trying to say but 'I believe' you may have gotten it wrong. There is a first for everyone,,,,, lol

a form of a religion, especially Islam or Protestant Christianity, that upholds belief in the strict, literal interpretation of scripture.

    • strict adherence to the basic principles of any subject or discipline.
      plural noun: fundamentalisms
      "free-market fundamentalism"

    In other words the fundamentalist are for the dogma, rest in hell, etc. That is why the Radical Islamic Terrorist are so bad. They use the bible strictly as it is written in the OLD Testament believing in it as an 'inerrant' (without error) book

On the other hand, most protestants lean more to the moderate Evangelicalism
Evangelicalism, or Evangelical Protestantism, [a] is a worldwide, transdenominational movement within Protestantism, maintaining that the essence of the gospel consists in the doctrine of salvation by faith in Jesus Christ's atonement.

In other words your sins were paid for by his death on the cross and all he ask is that you believe in him. The essence of his speech is "Love". All you have to do is make a simple choice and follow his teachings. Rem, the ten commandments were issued to God's people. They have been applied over the ages and as far as I am concerned are not really bad thing to install in a person on young age. If they live by them, they are going to be a good person. Rem, there is a big difference in Man's laws and Biblical law that mostly applied to the OLD Testament and the children of Israel.

Fundamentalist do not believe Jesus Christ is a prophet nor is he the son of God. While in fact the New Testament actually teaches us of the Trinity: 'Father Son and Holy Ghost' are all the same. Again it is your choice and nobody else has to know. I am just one of those that does not care who knows I BELIEVE!

Your Choice!

Have a great day my friend


Every Religion has its Fundamentalists, Even Pastafarians.

Fundamentalists are described as Galaxiom said they were, They believe every word within the holy book is true. Not just all of the bad things.

Where are you obtaining this information Blade? (The part after the Oxford Dictionary quote)

Because I do believe your facts are a little off point my friend.
I selected "100% an atheist" because if God did appear before me I would begin doubting my sanity before believing in "his" existence, but thats not to say I possibly would do a "just in case" prayer if really necessary.
Every Religion has its Fundamentalists, Even Pastafarians.

Fundamentalists are described as Galaxiom said they were, They believe every word within the holy book is true. Not just all of the bad things.

Where are you obtaining this information Blade? (The part after the Oxford Dictionary quote)

Because I do believe your facts are a little off point my friend.

ConnorGiles simply look it up in Wikopedia.:
All moderate students of any of the Abrahamic religions claim that the holy texts have been mistranslated or misinterpreted because they are appalling if read as they are actually written.

The fundamentalists are the only ones actually following the books to the letter. That is why they are called "fundamentalists". They follow the fundamental tenets of the books.

The moderates always accuse atheists of cherry picking because we point out the violence, bigotry and misogyny. They claim it needs to be "read as a whole" to gather the true meaning.

But they are ones saying it is the word of God yet ignoring great swathes of it as suits them.

Galaxiom, it seem I have misread this post, You did get it right in that the Fundalmentalist do go by the very literal word of the ENTIRE bible. They do not differentiate the OLD from the NEW Testatment. And there are those that still believe (example; that you have to be Baptized in order to reach Heaven , I think this is the Catholic Church Doctrine) Sorry old buddy again you did get it right?

ConnorGiles simply look it up in Wikopedia.:

I truly hope you aren't using Wikipedia as your fact source, Please know it can be changed by anyone, even yourself.

And I'm glad I realised you to your mistake towards Galaxiom :) There isn't a first time for everything! haha
I truly hope you aren't using Wikipedia as your fact source, Please know it can be changed by anyone, even yourself.

And I'm glad I realised you to your mistake towards Galaxiom :) There isn't a first time for everything! haha

True, a student at my high school changed the school's anthem on their page to the Cold 45 2 Zig Zag song hahahaha.

Was like that for years so when parents researched or anyone researched the school they seen that they were a bunch of pot heads! :D
An infamous cherry-picking summary is the Letter to Dr.Laura, :

Mr. SPIKEPL, I got about two paragraphs and quit.

'I BELIEVE' the old rules do not apply after Jesus died on the cross for all of our sins. (exxample: one does not have to get Baptized to get to heaven neither with the way you live will get you to heave.) Look to John 14:6 KJV.

I do not know what he thinks about homosexuality however, I do know that he did not exclude it from JOHN 14:6. You have to make a choice to believe and love him or NOT. It is that simple.

I selected "100% an atheist" because if God did appear before me I would begin doubting my sanity before believing in "his" existence, but thats not to say I possibly would do a "just in case" prayer if really necessary.

JOHN 14:6...... does it mean you have to change your lifestyle or other. 'I BELIEVE' the answer to that is no.Rules of the Old Testament do not apply to the New Testament. He ask that you only accept him and believe in him.It is that simple.

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I truly hope you aren't using Wikipedia as your fact source, Please know it can be changed by anyone, even yourself.

And I'm glad I realised you to your mistake towards Galaxiom :) There isn't a first time for everything! haha

Then look it up in the webster's dictionary,,, ONLINE or get an old printed one,,, 1990's model and see if the defs are different. Not in the one I have.

Of course you did.

I won't lie, I thought the same. - Blade, I know you have said on numerous occasions that your opinion will not be swayed, but please give someone else's a chance at least.

Originally Posted by Bladerunner
Then look it up in the webster's dictionary,,, ONLINE or get an old printed one,,, 1990's model and see if the defs are different. Not in the one I have.

I did, In the Oxford Dictionary, and I have no idea where you got this from :

In other words the fundamentalist are for the dogma, rest in hell, etc. That is why the Radical Islamic Terrorist are so bad.They use the bible strictly as it is written in the OLD Testament believing in it as an 'inerrant' (without error) book

I'm guessing this is just a opinion not fact, Because if they followed it to the word then murder is a sin, Enforcing religion is also a sin, most things they do are sins. Their race/religion has nothing to do with it, I think you will find they are just poisoned from the extremist caliphate that force feeds them the violent parts of the Koran or just nut cases in general.

If a Christian went about the streets culling anyone with a different religion to his own, would you call him a terrorist or a psycho? Probably a psycho. It just shows how people judge another person depending on race/religion.
I will have to paraphrase this as I cannot find the quote.

The other day the Pope was speaking out against contraception but also spoke against over large families, saying that people did not have to breed like rabbits as God gave them the means to prevent this. I found myself shouting at the paper, "yes, it's called contraception"

Yes , it's obvious that those dry old sticks have never lain with a woman they love.

Yet the clergy are arrogant and pretentious enough to offer advice about marriage.
I will have to paraphrase this as I cannot find the quote.

The other day the Pope was speaking out against contraception but also spoke against over large families, saying that people did not have to breed like rabbits as God gave them the means to prevent this. I found myself shouting at the paper, "yes, it's called contraception"


I think his idea of contraception is just a little different than yours.....LOL

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