Question Help in Student Absence Form

Nokia N93

Registered User.
Local time
Today, 04:46
Nov 15, 2010
Good day everyone

I have a small school for training with students and courses
Each student has more than one class
i want a tracking way to track the absence of each student in each class
And then a daily and weekly report for each student to be shown

I did the tables and relations for this, but i don't know it is true or not
CAn you help me please?
and what do you think the forms should be like and also the reports?

attached is the file i made

thanks in advane


tStudent student info: name,address,city
tClasses classes taught
tClassSched: classes taught for the year and their date/time taught
tStudentClass: Classes a student takes
tStudentClassAttend: attendance for the class a student takes

tStudent student info, name ,address etc
StudID First Name Last Name address city

class note
ECO101 economy
MATH201 math
ECO103 economy

1 ECO101 2015 1:00 PM SMITH
2 MATH201 2015 9:00 AM JONES
3 ECO101 2015 8:00 AM SMITH

tStudentClass: the classes a student is taking
StuClassID StudentID ClassSchedID
1 48 3
2 48 2

tStudentClassAttend: the attendance of student in a class
StuClassAttendID date present StuClassID
1 1/1/2015 TRUE 1
2 1/7/2015 FALSE 1
tStudent student info: name,address,city
tClasses classes taught
tClassSched: classes taught for the year and their date/time taught
tStudentClass: Classes a student takes
tStudentClassAttend: attendance for the class a student takes

tStudent student info, name ,address etc
StudID First Name Last Name address city

class note
ECO101 economy
MATH201 math
ECO103 economy

1 ECO101 2015 1:00 PM SMITH
2 MATH201 2015 9:00 AM JONES
3 ECO101 2015 8:00 AM SMITH

tStudentClass: the classes a student is taking
StuClassID StudentID ClassSchedID
1 48 3
2 48 2

tStudentClassAttend: the attendance of student in a class
StuClassAttendID date present StuClassID
1 1/1/2015 TRUE 1
2 1/7/2015 FALSE 1

thanks alot Ranman256 , but can you advice me on how to show the forms ?
I have a little difficulty on that :banghead:
you will need forms of
tStudentClassAttend and tStudentClass
These will become subforms of frmStudent
Build a detail Student form (single record)
halfway down insert the SUBFORM control. And link it to StudentClass form.
In the subform property, link child and master fields , should point to StudentID.

Now you can see only the records for the 1 student.
If you put in a combo box, (or TABs control if you feel skilled), you can change the form on the fly. User clicks Classes, then the subform sets to StudentClass form.
if user picks Attend, then the form sets to tStudentClassAttend form.
you will need forms of
tStudentClassAttend and tStudentClass
These will become subforms of frmStudent
Build a detail Student form (single record)
halfway down insert the SUBFORM control. And link it to StudentClass form.
In the subform property, link child and master fields , should point to StudentID.

Now you can see only the records for the 1 student.
If you put in a combo box, (or TABs control if you feel skilled), you can change the form on the fly. User clicks Classes, then the subform sets to StudentClass form.
if user picks Attend, then the form sets to tStudentClassAttend form.

I tried to do tht , but it didn;t work with me :banghead:
CAn you please help me with a sample DB !
The subforms ain't linked to the forms:confused:
Hello Nokia!

Here is what your looking for...

Good luck, JLCantara.

Thanks alot JLCantara for the help
bur it seems that there is something wrong
when i open it , this error message appears
"the Microsoft office access database engine could not find the object databases"
What this error means ? :confused::confused::confused::confused:

p.s : i'm working in Access 2007
Hello Nokia!

I use Access 2013. Unfortunately my Access (from office 365) does not save in 2007 format.

Good luck, JLCantara.
Hello Nokia!

I use Access 2013. Unfortunately my Access (from office 365) does not save in 2007 format.

Good luck, JLCantara.

Thanks alot JL Cantara, i will try to install Office 2013
And i will let you know
Again thank you very muuuuuuuch :)
Hi Nokia!

Just realized today that last app was totally rotten!!! I was probably watching hockey and zipped the wrong version...

This one is (or is it?) a final one...

Sorry, JLC.


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