Graphical Reports


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Aug 4, 2016
Anyone have resources for charts, bars, on reports and know how to add numbers and percentages on charts like excel?
Something like the attached?

Same methods work in reports as in forms, just need to make sure you have the space on a detail to display.


Obstacle..have restictions to download and home is older access...Is it handled through vba?
Quick answer is Yes.

Longer answer, you place controls (I prefer labels) on your report then use VBA based on totals to change the height and caption for the label. You can also add line controls and change their slant / top / height to give line graphs.

I'll resave in a little bit in an older format.
Please see attached. One of the Bar chart examples isn't working and I haven't had a chance to figure out why yet. The other works fine for horizontal bar charts and shows about how to do these. The line chart and Gantt chart show how to pull off some neat tricks.


Thank you very much. Ill take a look and let you know if I have questions.
OK, so I took a look- pretty intense. Thank you. What I'm trying to do is to create the pie from the data table, and have it with the labels, and percentages on a report. I'll use this as a stepping stone. If you have the time, a report demo would be helpful. A pivot pie can be created almost instantly and thereafter adding traditional labels, change colors. I'll give it a try this week.
Something like these?



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I found this in a book which builds on your code:

PivotTables and PivotCharts

In previous versions, Access forms could be confi gured to show data in PivotTable and/or PivotChart
view, which was effective for displaying multi-dimensional data or for rendering aggregated data
in a visual manner. Both relied on Microsoft Offi ce Web Components, which has already been
deprecated in previous versions of Offi ce. Excel has since refi ned and enhanced its PivotTable/
PivotChart capabilities, but those enhancements aren’t available to Access directly.
To upgrade Access solutions that make use of PivotTables or PivotCharts, you have two possible
1. Add an ActiveX control referencing “Microsoft Offi ce XX.0 PivotTable” and/or “Microsoft
Offi ce XX.0 Chart” where XX.0 may be either 10.0 or 11.0, and update all VBA references
to PivotTable/PivotChart events and properties from the form to the added ActiveX control.
2. Instead of rendering the data in Access, automate Excel to build a PivotTable and/or
PivotChart and use Offi ce


Hennig, T.,Clothier, B., Hepworth, G., Yudovich D., 2013 Access Programming 2-13 Wrox Wiley & Sons
Yes, exactly Ridders but on a report to integrate to a summary.
Missed a few lines:

In previous versions, Access forms could be confi gured to show data in PivotTable and/or PivotChart
view, which was effective for displaying multi-dimensional data or for rendering aggregated data
in a visual manner. Both relied on Microsoft Offi ce Web Components, which has already been
deprecated in previous versions of Offi ce. Excel has since refi ned and enhanced its PivotTable/
PivotChart capabilities, but those enhancements aren’t available to Access directly.
To upgrade Access solutions that make use of PivotTables or PivotCharts, you have two possible
1. Add an ActiveX control referencing “Microsoft Offi ce XX.0 PivotTable” and/or “Microsoft
Offi ce XX.0 Chart” where XX.0 may be either 10.0 or 11.0, and update all VBA references
to PivotTable/PivotChart events and properties from the form to the added ActiveX control.
2. Instead of rendering the data in Access, automate Excel to build a PivotTable and/or
PivotChart and use Offi ce Data connection to enable Excel to query the data directly from
the source table/queries.
Same idea - this time on a report


Just read your quote from Access 2013 programming book
Pivot Charts / Tables were deprecated in access 2013

The examples I've shown were done in Access 2010 BUT do not use pivot charts
Recommend NOT using ActiveX if at all possible
Simple pie charts are all that is needed


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Oh that's beautiful. I can do the report quite easily just manipulating the different charts and I'll be there. I cant wait to figure this one out.
Its about time I took my access skills to the next level.!
Wow, it was kind of easy. Thanks for your support. Do any of you know how to do a data bar?
Like the ones in the sample I posted?
Mark - I found it was very good but hard to follow in terms of reports. I'll need a week to figure that out. Im just looking to apply bars to reports. I'm thinking the link will help and it is exactly what I need if it applies to 2013. I'll let you know how it goes.Thanks.

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