Attachment field and sending email by access


IT IS ME ^_^
Local time
Today, 03:45
Sep 4, 2019
hi again :)

i have a sending outlook email button in my form with this code

Private Sub btnSend_Click()
Dim oApp As New Outlook.Application
Dim oEmail As Outlook.MailItem

Set oEmail = oApp.CreateItem(olMailItem)

oEmail.To = Me.txtTo
oEmail.Subject = Me.txtSubject
oEmail.Body = Me.txtBody
If Len(Me.txtAttachment) > 0 Then
oEmail.Attachments.Add Me.txtAttachment.Value
End If
With oEmail
If Not IsNull(.To) And Not IsNull(.Subject) And Not IsNull(.Body) Then
MsgBox "Email Sent!"
MsgBox "Please fill out the required fields."
End If
End With
end sub
who can I adjust the attachment part to make it attache a file/s or a picture/s from an existing field in ?......
Hi. The .Attachments.Add method expects a file path. If you’re trying to attach an Attachment field, you’ll have to save it to disk first.
Hi. The .Attachments.Add method expects a file path. If you’re trying to attach an Attachment field, you’ll have to save it to disk first.

I learned this code from YouTube tutorial where there is an attachment button refers to unbounded field where I can follow a bath..:::
It works great regarding sending the email BUT when I go to a new field the same value still appears because it is not bounded to field where it can be stored.....
How can I solve that issue
Clear it after you send the email?
I learned this code from YouTube tutorial where there is an attachment button refers to unbounded field where I can follow a bath..:::
It works great regarding sending the email BUT when I go to a new field the same value still appears because it is not bounded to field where it can be stored.....
How can I solve that issue

Hi. How do you populate the unbound textbox? Would you never need to send the same attachment to more than one record?
Hi. How do you populate the unbound textbox? Would you never need to send the same attachment to more than one record?

each record is a different meeting attachments and data.... and i use email button .....

the browsing code for the unbound field is
Private Sub btnBrowse_Click()
Dim fileDiag As fileDialog
Dim file As Variant

Set fileDiag = fileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker)

fileDiag.AllowMultiSelect = False
If fileDiag.Show Then
For Each file In fileDiag.SelectedItems
Me.Attachment = file

End If
End Sub

it works great but i thought that keeping an attachment field and inserting it in sending email code is better to store the whole data for each meeting.....

so, is it better to keep using unbound field and use a code to clear the field?

can i add the cleaingr code in the previous sending email code???

Thanks theDBguy.... and sorry for my mannnnny questions :)

each record is a different meeting attachments and data.... and i use email button .....

the browsing code for the unbound field is
Private Sub btnBrowse_Click()
Dim fileDiag As fileDialog
Dim file As Variant

Set fileDiag = fileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker)

fileDiag.AllowMultiSelect = False
If fileDiag.Show Then
For Each file In fileDiag.SelectedItems
Me.Attachment = file

End If
End Sub

it works great but i thought that keeping an attachment field and inserting it in sending email code is better to store the whole data for each meeting.....

so, is it better to keep using unbound field and use a code to clear the field?

can i add the cleaingr code in the previous sending email code???

Thanks theDBguy.... and sorry for my mannnnny questions :)
Hi. An Attachment field saves a copy of the file with the record but increases the file size of the database. Eventually, you could run out of space. To insert an Attachment into an Access field, the file must be selected from somewhere. What do you do with the original file after you have attached it in Access? If you keep them anyway, then rather than use an unbound Textbox, I would suggest convert it into a bound Textbox and rather than store the file in an Attachment field, simply store the file path to the original file into a Text field, and bind your unbound Textbox to this Text field.
Hi. An Attachment field saves a copy of the file with the record but increases the file size of the database. Eventually, you could run out of space. To insert an Attachment into an Access field, the file must be selected from somewhere. What do you do with the original file after you have attached it in Access? If you keep them anyway, then rather than use an unbound Textbox, I would suggest convert it into a bound Textbox and rather than store the file in an Attachment field, simply store the file path to the original file into a Text field, and bind your unbound Textbox to this Text field.
ok, it is reasonable suggestion ....
I'll work on it and hope that I'll face no more problems ^_^

ok, it is reasonable suggestion ....
I'll work on it and hope that I'll face no more problems ^_^

Hi. You're welcome. Please let us know how it goes.
Hi. You're welcome. Please let us know how it goes.
the sending code works great when I choose only one email
but more than one this error appears
I get the error "Run-time error -2147467259 (80004005)
Outlook does not recognize one or more names"
Please post ALL the code required to send the email and attachments.

Put the code within code tags using the # icon

the sending code works great when I choose only one email
but more than one this error appears
I get the error "Run-time error -2147467259 (80004005)
Outlook does not recognize one or more names"
Please post ALL the code required to send the email and attachments.

Put the code within code tags using the # icon

Private Sub btnSend_Click()
Dim oApp As New Outlook.Application
Dim oEmail As Outlook.MailItem

Set oEmail = oApp.CreateItem(olMailItem)

oEmail.To = Me.txtTo
oEmail.Subject = Me.txtSubject
oEmail.Body = Me.txtBody
If Len(Me.txtAttachment) > 0 Then
oEmail.Attachments.Add Me.txtAttachment.Value
End If
With oEmail
If Not IsNull(.To) And Not IsNull(.Subject) And Not IsNull(.Body) Then
MsgBox "Email Sent!"
MsgBox "Please fill out the required fields."
End If
End With
end sub
What happened to the code tags?:banghead:

Inspect Me.TxtTo, what does it contain.?
Use a Debug.Print or MSGBOX or hover over it with a breakpoint set.

Report back with that.

Does it only happen if more than one email address.?
Email addresses should be separated with a ;
What happened to the code tags?:banghead:

Inspect Me.TxtTo, what does it contain.?
Use a Debug.Print or MSGBOX or hover over it with a breakpoint set.

Report back with that.

Does it only happen if more than one email address.?
Email addresses should be separated with a ;



it only happen if more than one email address..... YES emails is separated with a ;
So inspect the .To property and see what that contains.

Sounds like a malformed address.?
So inspect the .To property and see what that contains.

Sounds like a malformed address.?
I agree. Try creating an email manually and copy and paste the content of the Textbox into the address box. What error do you get?
I agree. Try creating an email manually and copy and paste the content of the Textbox into the address box. What error do you get?


I created an outlook email manually and copied the email addresses to my DB field ...every thing Worked great :)

I searched for the reason WHY. :( ..... I compered the out look email copied addresses with the DB code ones I discovered that there is a space after ; between the email addresses.......

I modified the code and added that space :o ....


So inspect the .To property and see what that contains.

Sounds like a malformed address.?


YES.... you are right

I discovered that a space after ; in the code caused the problem

Hmm, I would not have thought that would cause a problem?
I have just tested, in fact Outlook 2007 puts a space after the ; anyway.?

I ensured spaces were either side and the email was sent normally.

Suspect it was a non displayiing character other than a space.

Main thing is you have it working. Well done.:cool:


YES.... you are right

I discovered that a space after ; in the code caused the problem

Hmm, I would not have thought that would cause a problem?
I have just tested, in fact Outlook 2007 puts a space after the ; anyway.?

I ensured spaces were either side and the email was sent normally.

Suspect it was a non displayiing character other than a space.

Main thing is you have it working. Well done.:cool:
That what happened.
Instedof ";" I wrote "; ". The problem solved

It seems that outlook reads them as one address 🙄

I use Access2013

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