Query assistance

mr moe

Registered User.
Local time
Today, 20:43
Jul 24, 2003
hi guys i'm getting an error msg number 3141 and been trying with no luck. Could anybody please help. below is the code.

Dim RS As DAO.Recordset

Set RS = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT Count(request_tbl.request_tm_num) AS Ticket" & _
"FROM (SELECT DISTINCT request_tm_num, analyst_id FROM recovery_request_tbl) AS my_count INNER JOIN user_tbl ON my_count.analyst_id = user_tbl.UserID" & _
"HAVING (((user_tbl.UserID)=IIf('" & [Forms]![search_frm]![user_id] & "'='All',[user_tbl]![UserID],'" & [Forms]![search_frm]![user_id] & "')));")

If RS.RecordCount > 0 Then
Me.tbx2 = RS.Fields(0)
Me.tbx2 = 0
End If

Set RS = Nothing
use "Where" instead of "Having". having is used only when you are in Total Query.
use "Where" instead of "Having". having is used only when you are in Total Query.
hi thanks for your help, im still getting the same issue, it appears to be a punctuation error but i can't fiqure it out still :(
hi guys i'm getting an error msg number 3141 and been trying with no luck. Could anybody please help. below is the code.

Dim RS As DAO.Recordset

Set RS = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT Count(request_tbl.request_tm_num) AS Ticket" & _
"FROM (SELECT DISTINCT request_tm_num, analyst_id FROM recovery_request_tbl) AS my_count INNER JOIN user_tbl ON my_count.analyst_id = user_tbl.UserID" & _
"HAVING (((user_tbl.UserID)=IIf('" & [Forms]![search_frm]![user_id] & "'='All',[user_tbl]![UserID],'" & [Forms]![search_frm]![user_id] & "')));")

If RS.RecordCount > 0 Then
Me.tbx2 = RS.Fields(0)
Me.tbx2 = 0
End If

Set RS = Nothing
thanks i fixed it, i needed to put a space before the from and having.

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