Glad to see progress in the fight against the New, Anti-White, Racism

I agree, they have a right to poverty. And, where do suggest they go to get off the Res, given the state of poverty they are in.
It is hard to respond to that without sounding cruel and unfeeling. I was born poor. We lived in a cold water basement flat on the river (before living on the river became fashionable). When my mother caught me trying to pet a rat half my size, she applied for public housing and that is where I grew up. It was clean and safe and we had enough food to eat but not much beyond that. I made a conscious decision when I was young that I would never be poor so I am not. Being a victim is a choice for many. It is easier than working hard in school and taking after school jobs.

The US government has not treated the native Americans well and we should have done better. But the government only does better when the people insist. Better reservation schools would help. But better inner city schools would help also and we are failing miserably at that no matter how much money we throw at it. Johnny can't read in Baltimore and many other poor cities. It helps us to keep the blacks victims if we don't educate them. Handouts are not the solution. Of course if we had a southern border, we'd have a lot more money to spend on actual American citizens instead of paying $400 a night to put the criminals up in fancy hotels in New York. And, have them complain if they have to share a room:( Poor things.
It is hard to respond to that without sounding cruel and unfeeling. I was born poor. We lived in a cold water basement flat on the river (before living on the river became fashionable). When my mother caught me trying to pet a rat half my size, she applied for public housing and that is where I grew up. It was clean and safe and we had enough food to eat but not much beyond that. I made a conscious decision when I was young that I would never be poor so I am not.
Wow! I'm sure we are all in awe of you and your achievements in becoming so rich. As I recall, you are so rich you didn't even raise your daughter - you employed a nanny to do so. You must have been a bit tight on her wages though, as I recall, she needed to take a second job. Understandable though, you were to busy making your pile.
Just out of interest, your rags to riches story is nothing spectacular. Most people don't brag about it or publish it on a general forum.
Wow! I'm sure we are all in awe of you and your achievements in becoming so rich.
Looks like you went to school in Baltimore because not only can Johnny not read, but Colin can't read either.
There you go playing the victim again :poop: Just remember, it is your choice.
I watched an episode of Columbo recently. In it they referred to females as 'broads', not heard that one before.

OK, let's start by acknowledging that many derogatory statements have been made by people of less politeness... the word "uncouth" comes to mind. Heck, Col, I've even referred to you as "uncouth" at times - but today that is NOT the case. I'll partly answer the implied question.

According to my now-deceased uncle who saw many USA political changes in his youth, the term "broad" has been around a long time. He thought it might have started around the same time as the Women's Suffrage movement - 1911 or thereabouts. He said it related to the fact that a woman's hips are broader than a man's hips, and when women stopped wearing 10,000 layers of hoop skirts (a slight exaggeration on my part perhaps) and switched to more form-fitting dresses, you could more easily see the general shape of the broader hips.

The presence of women in the military in WW 2 may have exacerbated the use of "broad" as for example, the women of the US Marine Corps (most often nurses and clerical workers) were often called BAMs - for "broad-axle Marines" (polite version). The less polite version substitutes something else for "axle" though the substitute ALSO begins with an "A" and in the common British version, ends with an "E".
There you go playing the victim again :poop: Just remember, it is your choice.
I've honestly got no idea what you're talking about. My choice? Of what?
Why not try English instead of trying to be subtle and failing miserably. If you've got something to say then spit it out.
Doc, it's a well known fact that as women get older, their 'hips' become larger (or broader), especially if they've had a sprog (child). Some women can't sit in an airline seat, they book two.
I'd better not go on, you know how sensitive women here can be.
Discretion is the better part of valor. Perhaps that topic, broad as it is, would best be left for others to continue the debate.
Looks like you went to school in Baltimore because not only can Johnny not read, but Colin can't read either.
May I ask you to explain this comment please?
I've heard of Baltimore, no idea why you mention it.
Who is Johnny? I've heard of Johnny Carson but I suspect you are referring to the word 'Johnny' as being an English slang word for a condom.
As for the reading reference, - total mystery.
Discretion is the better part of valor. Perhaps that topic, broad as it is, would best be left for others to continue the debate.
Yes I agree. Women are very good at reading things into a comment and getting it wrong.
Doc, it's a well known fact that as women get older, their 'hips' become larger (or broader), especially if they've had a sprog (child). Some women can't sit in an airline seat, they book two.
I'd better not go on, you know how sensitive women here can be.

I was actually referring to differences in the pelvic bones as a starting point. I've probably been watching too many police-related TV shows dealing with partially decomposed bodies where the first question was "man or woman" and the pelvic bones figured prominently in the response.
May I ask you to explain this comment please?
Americn public (government run) schools are failing. Many schools, especially inner city schools in cities like Baltimore, Maryland, graduate children who can't read or do math at grade level. Each year they get promoted and fall further and further behind and it doesn't seem to matter how much money we throw at the problem. "Johnny can't read" is just a phrase generally used when speaking about the problem. The Democrat "solution" is to stop testing. So, many colleges have stopped using standard admission exams so now "Johnny" can get into college even though he can't read well enough to succeed. Baltimore is the poster child for faild schools because I think NONE of their schools test at grade level.

While, unlike "Johnny", I am sure you can actually read, but you have this really bad habit of assuming something different than what was said. And it is not just me that you choose to misunderstand. So, maybe you can't read or you do it to start fights. You say that I was "bragging" about being rich when in fact, I was relating a story about overcoming negative circumstanses. I could have believed I was a victim. I could have believed there was no way out. I could have remained poor for my whole life. Instead, as a child, I recognized that education was important and I would use that as a way out. So, even though not everyone can make their way out of poverity, you can never make it if you think you are a victim. That was the point of the story. First you have to stop being a victim. Then, and only then, you can work to improve your circumstances. Just because I don't live paycheck to paycheck doesn't make me rich. I've never had the inspiration to create something like PayPal. That would have made me rich.
I have a friend who lived in Detroit for a while. She says a real estate agent approached her. A black family had made an offer on a house in the neighbourhood. The real estate agent was putting together a buying group of the neighbourhood's owners to outbid the black family. So not some law of the land, not some government overreach here, but white people, the majority of Americans, banding together with the assistance of white moneyed professionals, and story by story, individual case by individual case, tilting the landscape of the whole social fabric to remove opportunity from a certain subgroup.

I made a conscious decision when I was young that I would never be poor so I am not.
And the colour of your skin? Irrelevant to your success in this matter? Irrelevant to the degree of effort required to not fall into despair in the face of setbacks? What if the whole tilt of the social fabric leaned against you?
And the colour of your skin?
Irrelevant. Have you looked at the color of Obama's skin.
What if the whole tilt of the social fabric leaned against you?
You know what tilts society against blacks? It isn't skin color. It is the way they speak. To the average American, Ebonics sounds illiterate. No one wants to hire someone illiterate. With the exception of pro sports people, examine closely all the black folks you know who are successful. Do they speak Ebonics or standard English? People react the same way to "poor white trash" because of the way they speak. I could have sounded like "poor white trash", some family members still do but I don't. That was only semi-concious on my part. I wanted to speak the way my teachers spoke and I took their corrections to heart. Today, teachers are not allowed to correct grammar or pronunciation when their students speak. So, my granddaughters and even occasionally my daughter make grammatical mistakes when they speak no matter how many times I correct the error. To me it is like fingernails on a blackboard.

Notice how President Obama puts on his Ebonics accent depending on his audience. HE KNOWS.
I have a friend who lived in Detroit for a while. She says a real estate agent approached her. A black family had made an offer on a house in the neighbourhood. The real estate agent was putting together a buying group of the neighbourhood's owners to outbid the black family. So not some law of the land, not some government overreach here, but white people, the majority of Americans, banding together with the assistance of white moneyed professionals, and story by story, individual case by individual case, tilting the landscape of the whole social fabric to remove opportunity from a certain subgroup.
The "friend" ploy. Your story may or may not be authentic. Consider the simple fact that some Blacks are racist. So for every assertion of supposed White racism, an example of Black racism can also be dug-up. This can lead to an endless loop of recriminations.

PS: As @AccessBlaster blaster has pointed out, 78% of the residents of Detroit are black. The assertion that the majority of Americans are White, is rapidly becoming a fabrication. Also note, that many urban areas are managed by the Black community, so it becomes absurd to assert that all the ills in a Black run community are due to evil White people. The Black community needs to look into the mirror.

As for the "white moneyed professionals", they are falling over-themselves consumed with maniacal suicidal White guilt shoveling their money to grifting organizations such as BLM, hoping for an absolution that will never be granted by the radical left.
While, unlike "Johnny", I am sure you can actually read, but you have this really bad habit of assuming something different than what was said. And it is not just me that you choose to misunderstand. So, maybe you can't read or you do it to start fights.
I dont assume something different. I read something different because the writer (usually a Yank) can't seem to write something that is clear.
An example being your tome about being poor etc etc. That could have been easily covered in one statement, but no, you drone on as if you are something spectacular. Your experience is nothing new, millions of people go from rags to riches. Maybe i did. Also previously in another thread you brag about having a nanny to bring up your daughter, but the way you phrased it gave the impression you paid her the minimum so she had to resort to a second job. Link it all together and like Cassius Clay, you seem to be bragging 'I'm the greatest'. I've news for you, despite the 'super' tag under your name, you are just normal like the rest of us.
Then to squirm out of it, you then accuse me of being a 'victim' and despite me being a foreigner, you use phrases and words well known in the USA but unknown outside the white picket fence of your borders. You then accuse me when I ask for clarification.

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