Deadly force

Thanks for making OUR point, you have defined the need to own very clearly.
It is not just YOUR point - generally the value of life has been devalued, and your need to own is your personal decision to participate in the escalation - it not the only way.
It is not just YOUR point - generally the value of life has been devalued, and your need to own is your personal decision to participate in the escalation - it not the only way.

I challenge that statement. Look at the people fleeing the gangs from South and Central America that are now clogging our borders. Look at the cartels that rule large swaths among the nations that cannot control those gangs. And they are moving in our direction. La Vida Mala, MS13, and many other gangs are invading us ... through our porous borders.

The value of life HAS been devalued - by the gangs. The only way to restore that balance is to oppose the gangs. And besides the immigrant gangs, we have our own gangs home-grown gangs who rule streets by the gun. The only way to break their rule is to meet them with superior force - but the police won't do it and the gangs hide behind every loophole in the book. Eventually, it will come to active shooting in the streets at the levels now seen in the countries to the south of our borders.

I grieve for this because we were never this violent before. But population pressure, immigration pressure, and a weak law-enforcement group have contributed to making this a more dangerous place every day.
Now that "you guys" have successfully defunded many police departments nationwide, they seem reluctant to answer the calls for help.
Good job!

For sure that doesn't cause a rise in gun sales,;) along with the constant yammering about gun control, you are your own worst enemy.
A little confused: On the one hand it is the people fleeing the gangs, then later in the same paragraph it is the gangs that are invading .... however I accept that is not mutually exclusive.
It is illustrative of the us/them mentality that arises in so many facets of our world. Not arguing the point that borders exist for reason(s). Much of current politics is about exploiting the fear that develops through us/them thinking (on so many issues) - an apparent inherent trait to human culture.
Now that "you guys" have successfully defunded many police departments nationwide, they seem reluctant to answer the calls for help.
Good job!

For sure that doesn't cause a rise in gun sales,;) along with the constant yammering about gun control, you are your own worst enemy.
You mean Pat here - Defund the FBI?
I don't speak for Pat.

I oppose the director not necessarily the rank-and-file.
Neither do I and I have not advocated for police or other enforcement agencies to be defunded or their effectiveness to be diminished. If there were fewer weapons, and better control in the general community they might be more effective.
Careful - you could be a stalker - I might need to get a few lethal weapons ;)

My area has a natural barrier of sorts that is very effective in stopping stalkers. When you come to visit, don't step on the alligators unless it is very, very cold.
On the one hand it is the people fleeing the gangs, then later in the same paragraph it is the gangs that are invading

No doubt about it. The gangs cause the exodus but then disguise themselves and sneak in with the very same refugees they caused to move.
My area has a natural barrier of sorts that is very effective in stopping stalkers. When you come to visit, don't step on the alligators unless it is very, very cold.
What happens in the swamp stays in the swamp! 😁 It doesn't come out again!
Law enforcement often makes early morning raids that alarm the residents, which might cause them to make fatal mistakes. If they have the wrong address things could get ugly real fast. So the possible use of deadly force should not be the standard, it should be reviewed per circumstance.

In Trump's case, this should have been waived.
And in the case of Biden - the same wording / policy / operating procedures were in place... and have been in place for some time. And for so many others under search warrants.
Doesn't that make the claim / assertion by tRUMP / Majorie / Rudi re assassination look assinine !? It is all about hype / showmanship, self promotion and deception.
While a specific case, it does show the problematic proliferation of guns. Law enforcement officers are at high risk day-to-day; the unfortunate Fortson had a gun in hand (because ...), and responding to an agitated call from a someone claiming to be a police officer, was fatally shot .. not a bad guy I presume. Mistakes are made; were standard procedures followed? Should/Do standard procedures exist to minimize risk of mistakes Should standard procedures apply to these types of events?
Very sad and upsetting. Difficult to accept that outcome. Would others here respond in a similar fashion as Fortson? Difficult to say, not expecting anyone to answer - just reflect.
A man's home is his castle, you have a right to defend it (United States). I think doc has spoken about the Castle doctrine.
A man's home is his castle, you have a right to defend it (United States). I think doc has spoken about the Castle doctrine.
A lot of variants state to state and some have none at all.

Would others here respond in a similar fashion as Fortson?
I'm lucky enough to feel secure at home. If I've locked my doors twice in the last 20 years I'd be surprised.

His mistake was displaying it at his side.
A man's home is his castle, you have a right to defend it (United States). I think doc has spoken about the Castle doctrine.
As Moke123 has mentioned, the Castle doctrine varies from state to state. Louisiana DOES have this legal principle and we also have a "stand-your-ground" law. In essence, if you forcefully come into my home uninvited and armed and I can get my gun into position, you are LEGALLY toast. I am not required to flee, particularly if I am in my home.
As Moke123 has mentioned, the Castle doctrine varies from state to state. Louisiana DOES have this legal principle and we also have a "stand-your-ground" law. In essence, if you forcefully come into my home uninvited and armed and I can get my gun into position, you are LEGALLY toast. I am not required to flee, particularly if I am in my home.
What if it's Law Enforcement armed and invited? :unsure:

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