How to have sub total and grandtotal of Pivoted SQL Query


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Today, 12:57
Sep 5, 2019
Dept = total amt of cost center per dept
Div = total amt of department per division
BU = total amt of Div per BU

CorporateFinanceFinancial ControlXXFC01011,500.00
CorporateFinanceFinancial ControlXXFC01021,000.00
CorporateHRHR AdminXXHR0101150.00
CorporateHRHR TestXXHR010225.00
CorporateLegalLegal AdminXXLC0101450.00

XXFC0101XXFC0102Financial ControlXXFC0103TreasuryXXHR0101XXHR0102HRLegal AdminLegalCorporate
A pivot table usually requires a row header. I don't see any in your desired result.
It's a bit unusual to put headers of two different levels at the same level in the result. Also, have you considered how many columns this could end up being?
hi @theDBguy and @Pat Hartman. thank you for your reply. header will be the cost center that has been pivot. meaning there's no specific columns for this. depends on user's search. i already got the pivot table of cost centers. knowledge has been learned from other sources. what i want to do now is how can insert new column for sub total for every cost center in every department and another column for division, total for every department.


strSQL = "TRANSFORM IIF(SUM(ParCYMAmt) IS NULL, 0, SUM(ParCYMAmt)) AS TotalCost " & _
             "SELECT HGRefNum, HMDetails, HDetails, SHDetails, " & _
             "IIF(SUM(ParCYMAmt) IS NULL, 0, SUM(ParCYMAmt)) AS CYMAmt, IIF(SUM(ParCYYTDAmt) IS NULL, 0, SUM(ParCYYTDAmt)) AS CYYTDAmt, " & _
             "IIF(SUM(ParPYMAmt) IS NULL, 0 , SUM(ParPYMAmt)) AS PYMAmt, IIF(SUM(ParPYYTDAmt) IS NULL, 0, SUM(ParPYYTDAmt)) AS PYYTDAmt FROM ( "

    strSQL = strSQL & _
             "SELECT t1.HGRefNum, t0.LedgerAcct, t0.CostCenter, t1.HMDetails, t1.HDetails, t1.SHDetails, " & _
             "SUM(t0.TotCost) AS ParCYMAmt, 0 AS ParCYYTDAmt, 0 AS ParPYMAmt, 0 AS ParPYYTDAmt " & _
             "FROM [Main Table] t0 LEFT JOIN [H Groupings] t1 ON t0.LedgerAcct = t1.LedgerAcct " & _
             "WHERE t0.Period BETWEEN #" & StartDayM & "# AND #" & EndDayM & "# AND t0.CostCenter IN (" & AvCCQuery & ") " & _
             "GROUP BY t1.HGRefNum, t0.LedgerAcct, t0.CostCenter, t1.HMDetails, t1.HDetails, t1.SHDetails "

    strSQL = strSQL & _
             "UNION ALL " & _
             "SELECT t1.HGRefNum, t0.LedgerAcct, t0.CostCenter, t1.HMDetails, t1.HDetails, t1.SHDetails, " & _
             "0 AS ParCYMAmt, SUM(t0.TotCost) AS ParCYYTDAmt, 0 AS ParPYMAmt, 0 AS ParPYYTDAmt " & _
             "FROM [Main Table] t0 LEFT JOIN [H Groupings] t1 ON t0.LedgerAcct = t1.LedgerAcct " & _
             "WHERE t0.Period BETWEEN #" & StartDayYTD & "# AND #" & EndDayM & "# AND t0.CostCenter IN (" & AvCCQuery & ") " & _
             "GROUP BY t1.HGRefNum, t0.LedgerAcct, t0.CostCenter, t1.HMDetails, t1.HDetails, t1.SHDetails "

    strSQL = strSQL & _
             "UNION ALL " & _
             "SELECT t1.HGRefNum, t0.LedgerAcct, t0.CostCenter, t1.HMDetails, t1.HDetails, t1.SHDetails, " & _
             "0 AS ParCYMAmt, 0 AS ParCYYTDAmt, SUM(t0.TotCost) AS ParPYMAmt, 0 AS ParPYYTDAmt " & _
             "FROM [Main Table] t0 LEFT JOIN [H Groupings] t1 ON t0.LedgerAcct = t1.LedgerAcct " & _
             "WHERE t0.Period BETWEEN #" & PYStartDayM & "# AND #" & PYEndDayM & "# AND t0.CostCenter IN (" & AvCCQuery & ") " & _
             "GROUP BY t1.HGRefNum, t0.LedgerAcct, t0.CostCenter, t1.HMDetails, t1.HDetails, t1.SHDetails "

    strSQL = strSQL & _
             "UNION ALL " & _
             "SELECT t1.HGRefNum, t0.LedgerAcct, t0.CostCenter, t1.HMDetails, t1.HDetails, t1.SHDetails, " & _
             "0 AS ParCYMAmt, 0 AS ParCYYTDAmt, 0 AS ParPYMAmt, SUM(t0.TotCost) AS ParPYYTDAmt " & _
             "FROM [Main Table] t0 LEFT JOIN [H Groupings] t1 ON t0.LedgerAcct = t1.LedgerAcct " & _
             "WHERE t0.Period BETWEEN #" & PYStartDayYTD & "# AND #" & PYEndDayM & "# AND t0.CostCenter IN (" & AvCCQuery & ") " & _
             "GROUP BY t1.HGRefNum, t0.LedgerAcct, t0.CostCenter, t1.HMDetails, t1.HDetails, t1.SHDetails "

    strSQL = strSQL & _
             ") x WHERE SHDetails IS NOT NULL GROUP BY HGRefNum, HMDetails, HDetails, SHDetails " & _
             "PIVOT CostCenter"
You need code. There is no way for a query to display both totals and details on the same record. You have to build two separate crosstab queries and then join them. I have no idea short of code how to get the columns into any meaningful order. You probably have to put all the column headers into a table, sort them, then build the final query.

The concept also doesn't make any sense.
You need code. There is no way for a query to display both totals and details on the same record. You have to build two separate crosstab queries and then join them. I have no idea short of code how to get the columns into any meaningful order. You probably have to put all the column headers into a table, sort them, then build the final query.

The concept also doesn't make any sense.
thank you @Pat Hartman
hi @theDBguy and @Pat Hartman. thank you for your reply. header will be the cost center that has been pivot. meaning there's no specific columns for this. depends on user's search. i already got the pivot table of cost centers. knowledge has been learned from other sources. what i want to do now is how can insert new column for sub total for every cost center in every department and another column for division, total for every department.
What you want might be possible in Access, but I wonder if Excel is a better tool for it. Are you able to post a sample db or data?
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