Shooting of little Rhys Jones!!

I was actually curious about their opinion, so it's not like they're being slighted. :confused:

If the first post had implied that they were wrong, I could see the potential problem, but it was asking how they plan to deal with a problem which they have far more experience of than the UK does.

The truth is that they don't have an answer, as I said anyone out side of the US who offers suggestions is merely accused of the usual anti-US drivel, those inside of the US who suggest that guns should be controlled are hit with a rolled up out of date scrap of paper called the constitution or the NRA.
As for here anyone who works with trying to help the youth in this country have been met with a barrage of neccessary budget cuts to help pay for Bush and Bliars war in Iraq. We face enormous problems due to overcrowding here and yet Bliar and his cronies opened the flood gates to countless thousand east europeans whilst burying his stupid head in the sand:mad:
I was actually curious about their opinion, so it's not like they're being slighted. :confused:

If the first post had implied that they were wrong, I could see the potential problem, but it was asking how they plan to deal with a problem which they have far more experience of than the UK does.

I had already suggested some of my opinions on gun control in one of the other threads, to recap, in the US I'd like to see stricter regulations regarding who's allowed to own or carry one, competency testing required, and harsher penalties for those convicted of firearm violence. Given the fact that there is already strict regulation of gun ownership in the UK, I think there you'd be better off on the punishment method of deterring the violence. I wasn't suggesting that gun control was off topic to the original post in this thread, I am saying that Rich & Col's using it as yet another opportunity to pour out more of their anti-US drivel was. The original topic was the slaying of a child in the UK with a gun in a gang shooting. I fail to see how those two using it as yet another platform for self gratification addresses the issue at hand.
gallop said:
I am saying that Rich & Col's using it as yet another opportunity to pour out more of their anti-US drivel was.__________________

I fail to see how

No surprise there then eh:rolleyes:
I am saying that Rich & Col's using it as yet another opportunity to pour out more of their anti-US drivel was.

Fancy paying $47 for a disaster trip to see the blacks of New Orleans struggling to survive do you? Gailio?

They're reduced to nothing more than freaks in a circus. It's disgusting


They're reduced to nothing more than freaks in a circus. It's disgusting


Your (thoroughly demonstrated lack of) compassion for those less fortunate is astounding, other than as an opportunity to display your false sense of superiority. Your comment addresses the issue of gun violence in the UK how, exactly? Never mind, I don't really expect you or Rich to do anything other than continue with your mutual virtual stroke off. After all, I'm sure the original poster and all others who have responded in this thread would much rather hear your opinions as to what's wrong with the US than any insight or observations anyone else might have on the subject of gun control or gang violence, just look at how you two have edited my comments on those subjects out of my quoted replies. I'm sure you two know far better than I what the rest of the forum members are really interested in.

Gee Rich, your re-cycled anti US rhetoric has had exactly that effect on me for a long time.

Have you ever noticed how certain posters on this forum will automatically try to turn the forum into anti US bashing when the topic turns to somthing that might be wrong in the UK. When the possibility that Britain is not perfect in every way rears its head its time to show how much worse it is in the New World.

In the James Bond flick Dr. Who, there is a wonderful line:
"It never occured to us to threaten your bankrupt little island".
There are two estates in Croxteth, the House owning esate where Rhys lived (and Brookside close) and the awful council estate from the 60s. My Dev manager ended up in the old estate by mistake about a month ago and she told me it was full of devil dogs and gangs of hoodies. She got out of there as fast as she could.
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"It never occured to us to threaten your bankrupt little island".

This bankrupt little island isn't and hasn't been bankrupt since we finished funding the American dream, in fact it now has the fifth largest economy in the world. As to whether society has improved over the same period is of course debateable. Oh and please try to stick to the subject matter and not introduce the usual pro American rhetoric:rolleyes:
Your (thoroughly demonstrated lack of) compassion for those less fortunate is astounding, other than as an opportunity to display your false sense of superiority. Your comment addresses the issue of gun violence in the UK how, exactly? Never mind, I don't really expect you or Rich to do anything other than continue with your mutual virtual stroke off. After all, I'm sure the original poster and all others who have responded in this thread would much rather hear your opinions as to what's wrong with the US than any insight or observations anyone else might have on the subject of gun control or gang violence, just look at how you two have edited my comments on those subjects out of my quoted replies. I'm sure you two know far better than I what the rest of the forum members are really interested in.

Can we all get back to the subject of the thread at hand rather than make childish remarks about each other.

What do you suggest that a community can do to prevent these sorts of incidents... for instance should there be more outlets for young people rather than violence?
Should there be more community policing from members of the community?

Should parenting skills be looked at?

What do you think?
Can we all get back to the subject of the thread at hand rather than make childish remarks about each other.

What do you suggest that a community can do to prevent these sorts of incidents... for instance should there be more outlets for young people rather than violence?
Should there be more community policing from members of the community?

Should parenting skills be looked at?

What do you think?

All of the above seem resonable,

how about we convert one of the outer scottish island (Hebreadies- bound to be a typo there) to a secure school

and all these idiots who think they know it all ship them off there , make it a boot camp , with education beiong the way off the island

this would hopeful give these people an alternative way out of crime
All of the above seem resonable,

how about we convert one of the outer scottish island (Hebreadies- bound to be a typo there) to a secure school

and all these idiots who think they know it all ship them off there , make it a boot camp , with education beiong the way off the island

this would hopeful give these people an alternative way out of crime

If only it were that simple:(
When the possibility that Britain is not perfect in every way rears its head its time to show how much worse it is in the New World.

And what was your reply in the Venezuela thread .

Your reply was to describe past foreign policy in the old world and demand an apology - nothing on the subject of the thread at all.

- At least those you criticize are comparing countries by the same modern standards rather than dredging up history to support your obvious grievence.

Your own bad habits clearly annoy you in others! Pots kettles, glass houses and stones all come to mind.
In the James Bond flick Dr. Who, there is a wonderful line:
"It never occured to us to threaten your bankrupt little island".
There isn't a James Bond film called "Dr Who":rolleyes:

re the film - its Dr. No (I think)

as to Richs response to " if only it was that simple "
yeah agree - but if soemone had some balls (politicians) then it could be that simple

first get a group of trouble makers - who know tat they need to sort themselves out (You may be surprised by the number who want ti change) - then get them on a training scheme in building (all aspects- from TD drawing to plumbing etc) then get them to build the first stage of the island school
1- gives them incentive and a trade
2- have some of the other trouble makers turn up for stage 2
have those involved in stage one do a handover ssay a cross over os 1 week - 10 days then they leave
if they are concerned that they may just go back to their old ways give them the option to migrate to another area - or k join one of the forces
Stage 2 would repeat

once the school has been built then use this as a boot camp
and have rewards as well (carrot and stick)
the reward could be to do work overseas building schools for the 3rd world

I know this is an simplistic view but - none of this is beyond the achiviceable -

keep the targets reasonble and reap the rewards
In the UK, gun violence is increasing.
In the US it has peaked and in many of the worse places it is beginning to decline.

Why not have the British police check with the US police and see what steps they have taken to bring this about?

The fact that the communication may be only one way is hardly a reason to dismiss it out of hand.
In the UK, gun violence is increasing.
In the US it has peaked and in many of the worse places it is beginning to decline.

Why not have the British police check with the US police and see what steps they have taken to bring this about?

The fact that the communication may be only one way is hardly a reason to dismiss it out of hand.

Depends on the starting point though eh?
In the UK, gun violence is increasing.
In the US it has peaked and in many of the worse places it is beginning to decline.

Why not have the British police check with the US police and see what steps they have taken to bring this about?

The fact that the communication may be only one way is hardly a reason to dismiss it out of hand.

They have been doing so for years. I knew a lot of police before moving to Canada and they told me about how discussions had been held with many countries, the US and Canada included. I have no reason to think that this has stopped since I left.

One of the main problems, from the little I heard about the actual conversations, was that many of the countries asked advised something along the lines of arming all police. Since this
(a) wasn't popular with many British police and
(b) patently doesn't work - police have been armed for years in those countries who suggested it and it has hardly resulted in a gun-free culture
other options were needed.
re the film - its Dr. No (I think)

as to Richs response to " if only it was that simple "
yeah agree - but if soemone had some balls (politicians) then it could be that simple

first get a group of trouble makers - who know tat they need to sort themselves out (You may be surprised by the number who want ti change) - then get them on a training scheme in building (all aspects- from TD drawing to plumbing etc) then get them to build the first stage of the island school
1- gives them incentive and a trade
2- have some of the other trouble makers turn up for stage 2
have those involved in stage one do a handover ssay a cross over os 1 week - 10 days then they leave
if they are concerned that they may just go back to their old ways give them the option to migrate to another area - or k join one of the forces
Stage 2 would repeat

once the school has been built then use this as a boot camp
and have rewards as well (carrot and stick)
the reward could be to do work overseas building schools for the 3rd world

I know this is an simplistic view but - none of this is beyond the achiviceable -

keep the targets reasonble and reap the rewards

have you ever thought about politics, you certainly make more sense than the idiots we have in office now. And you would certainly get my vote. :)
Minster for Education perhaps --
looking at my spelling , I think not..
i basically think that you could replace all of the policitians out there and do a randon draw from society and come up with a better solution,

i do understand the problems of policitics that there are laws etc that they must abide by . but given a mandate by the general public - they should push these aside for say a period x months to ensure that we get the priocess going -
should we fall foul of some legal entity - then let the high courts of the UK sort it out - Not Europe (Athough I do suport a free market within Europe )
I don't know if this is the case everywhere or just in some of the states (US) but when I was younger I went into a gun shop, I was 18 and an adult, and asked to see one of the handguns, because ya know I was an adult, not a particularly bright one at the time it seems, and they said I couldn't even touch the firearm until I was 21. I don't know if this has changed int he ensuing decade plus. but it is a start.

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