American Football in London


I cant find the any key..
Local time
Today, 11:07
Feb 12, 2007
So what do you guys think? Is there that much of a fan base over there in london for this to be worth doing?
I'm not in London but - There is already show piece games and a team in the European league - there used to be anyhow. (in London)

Is it worth doing - I doubt it.
I thought NFL Europe was no more? but maybe im wrong
?Haha alright then. i was just wondering why they thought that this would be different than the NFL Europe.. honestly i cant see the reason for doing it. they are talking about doing it up in toronto too... doesnt make sense
I am unaware of what the latest introduction of NFL to London is???
I can see it selling out Wembly for a once a year event. Lots of hype and marketing to go along with it.
I don't see it going on a regular basis.
Brits will go once to see what all the fuss is about, but they have their own sports to keep them occupied.

There is one concept that I would like to see transferred to UK football. Colour at home, white on the road. No 6 different strips for your kids to pester you to buy.
I can see it selling out Wembly for a once a year event. Lots of hype and marketing to go along with it.
I don't see it going on a regular basis.
Brits will go once to see what all the fuss is about, but they have their own sports to keep them occupied.

There is one concept that I would like to see transferred to UK football. Colour at home, white on the road. No 6 different strips for your kids to pester you to buy.

It's not always that simple, there's also throwback uniforms.
Pauldohert;639635 They'll sell tickets for a bomb and do plenty of merchandising - so short term its a winner I guess. Long term I can't see anyone except expats said:
Actually they played pre-season games (exhibition) in London for 3 years back in the 90's. They got good crowds the first 2 years, the third was only about half filled so they stopped.
When you look at it, its a pretty expensive undertaking to fly 80-100 players plus trainers, coaches etc. to the UK, put them up at a hotel for a few days, feed them and hire a practice facility for just one game.
They probably turned a profit on this game, but an annual event would probably fizzle out after a year or two.
An NFL franchise based in London is not a reasonable probability for these reasons.
just heard opening day for basebal will be in japan this year.. for 2 teams boston and athletics..... i DO feel that this is a good idea.. worht the trip for the teams
?Haha alright then. i was just wondering why they thought that this would be different than the NFL Europe.. honestly i cant see the reason for doing it. they are talking about doing it up in toronto too... doesnt make sense

The Buffalo Bills are talking about playing two regular season home games in Toronto starting next season.
This is not without precedent. The Green Bay Packers played 2 home games a year in Milwaukee until the 1980's.
Toronto media mogul Ted Rogers is interested in acquiring the team. The current owner Ralph Wilson is in his 80's and has promised the team will not leave Buffalo while he is alive.
Once he passes its a pretty safe bet his children will sell the team. An NFL franchise goes for about $1 Billion these days (thats $999,999,990 Canadian) :D.
The question is, will the NFL allow a full time team in Canada? There is almost no interest in the US in teams outside America.
When the Toronto Blue Jays won two World's Series in the 1990's the TV ratings Stateside were the worst in the history of the sport.
they are talking about doing it up in toronto too... doesnt make sense

Yeah... they were talking about the Buffalo Bills playing at our stadium... as the BUFFALO Bills... because game attendance there is dropping every year.

If you want to move the team to Toronto to live, practice and play... MAKE IT A TORONTO TEAM

we dont lend out our fans.
If you like hockey then obviously you do not follow the grammatically incorrect LEAFS :eek:
Who is your second favourite team after the Habs?;)

I'll ignore the Habs for my second favourite team, it's not Ottawa, thats for sure!!
(they are a good team, I just can't bring myself to chear for them...)

I'd have to say Edmonton.
just heard opening day for basebal will be in japan this year.. for 2 teams boston and athletics..... i DO feel that this is a good idea.. worht the trip for the teams

I was in Kyoto towards end of Sept, and I'm sure the baseball game a couple went to watch included an American team called Boston something or other, I thing it was some kind of 4 team tournament.
The couple are cricket fanatics but love the razzmatazz of baseball.

boston? hmm they wont the world series this year.... nad i know its not technically the "world" series, so we dont have to go into this converstaion again.

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