Shootings in US schools

You need to choose your words better, if someone INTRUDES(to thrust oneself in without invitation, permission, or welcome) into your house how can it be murder?(the crime of unlawfully killing a person especially with malice aforethought(previously in mind : premeditated, deliberate <with malice aforethought)

Definitions in ITALICS supplied by Merriam-Webster Online

MURDER is premeditated.

I am talking of pointing a gun at someone who has broken into your house and pulling the trigger and killing them. I don't give a monkey's toss what it's called. To me it's taking a human life.

How Americans can do this is quite frankly beyond me. It indicates what little value Americans put on human life. That's why the US troops like to shoot anything that moves I guess, no matter if they are friend or foe.

I just love the silky smooth taste of a good fag between my lips....:D

Like I said, my advise to you, if you ever came state side, is to not put words together that are like the sentence above, especially in Texas. You might hear "get a rope" shortly afterwards.:D

A fanny is a ladies 'front bottom' in england.:eek::D

Are you serious? I would have never put that together if you would have given me all the time in the world to do so. It is crazy that the same language is being spoken but you can get lost on the meaning of words. When I was in Junior High, my best friends Mom was from England. She came home one night and asked Tamblyn and I to get the groceries "out of the boot." I didn't have a clue what she could be talking about. Later, I learned things like "bonnet" on a car. "Take a holiday", instead of a vacation. On this forum I have heard you guys (ya'll where I'm from) use words that are English but in ways that I have no idea the meaning.
I am talking of pointing a gun at someone who has broken into your house and pulling the trigger and killing them. I don't give a monkey's toss what it's called. To me it's taking a human life.Col

I don't disagree that life is sacred, but what is the proper response to someone being in your home, stealing your possessions, or intends to harm or ra** your wife and children? or their intentions is to kill you?

How Americans can do this is quite frankly beyond me. It indicates what little value Americans put on human life. That's why the US troops like to shoot anything that moves I guess, no matter if they are friend or foe.

Is it just us (the USA) that values life so little? or is it as a human race we value life so little? War, civil wars, capital punishment, abortion, euthanasia, etc all snuff out life. While Americas are very guilty of having "little value on human life", we are not the only ones with bloody hands.
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If my arrogance causes you to cease dismissing people's conflicting views on the basis of the country in which they were born [deep breath], then it would have served a purpose.

What a shame your masters haven't followed the same path eh:rolleyes:
I am talking of pointing a gun at someone who has broken into your house and pulling the trigger and killing them. I don't give a monkey's toss what it's called. To me it's taking a human life.

You see if would could control the guns to only be in the hands of the homeowners in these situations - then all is good. Bang bang their dead - and serves them right too.:mad:
I don't disagree that life is sacred, but what is the proper response to someone being in your home, stealing your possessions, or intends to harm or ra** your wife and children? or their intentions is to kill you?

How do you know they are going to ra** or kill? they may just be opportunist teenagers looking for something to sell and get money. Would you really shoot them dead?

What if the intruder was a 16 year old girl? would you shoot her too?

Could you look into the eyes of another human and pull the trigger in cold blood?

You need to choose your words better, if someone INTRUDES(to thrust oneself in without invitation, permission, or welcome) into your house how can it be murder?(the crime of unlawfully killing a person especially with malice aforethought(previously in mind : premeditated, deliberate <with malice aforethought)
The definition didn't mention the length of time between making the decision and killing the person. If I've been woken by someone breaking in, quickly grabbed a weapon from the bedside table and dispatched them, fair enough, little evidence of premeditation. If, however, I hear a noise, get up, go fetch my previously-bought gun from the locked cabinet where I - as a responsible person - store it, load it, then go to find the burglar, isn't that at least some premeditation?

Not arguing against doing it, just saying I can see how it could be classed as murder.
ColinEssex said:
How do you know they are going to ra** or kill? they may just be opportunist teenagers looking for something to sell and get money. Would you really shoot them dead?
Batter, more likely. I don't like guns, but speaking as someone whose family has been burgled on many occasions and knowing the upset it caused my mother, if I'd caught any of them I wouldn't have thought twice. At one point, I used to sleep with trainers on and a length of 2x2 by the bed, just in case I heard someone coming in. The whole 'you've got to see their side' thing carries no weight with me. As far as I'm concerned, you make the decision to enter someone else's home and take something that doesn't belong to you? You have no rights.
ColinEssex said:
What if the intruder was a 16 year old girl? would you shoot her too?
Not shoot, no (see above). Have to support sexual equality, don't you?;)
How do you know they are going to ra** or kill? they may just be opportunist teenagers looking for something to sell and get money. Would you really shoot them dead?

I don't! Anymore than I know that they are an opportunist teenager looking for something to sell and get money. That's why I asked what the response should be.

What if the intruder was a 16 year old girl? would you shoot her too?

Could you look into the eyes of another human and pull the trigger in cold blood?


I can't shoot or kill an animal, so I would have to say that shooting a 16 year old girl is not going to happen either, not to mention I'd have to have a gun first. On the other hand, if I owned a gun and a man was in my home and I was scared enough over the situation, (kind of it's him or me, say he has a gun and I know it) then I would say, in the heat of the moment with no time to think, I possibly could do it. Can't say for sure cause I've never been in that situation.
I used to sleep with trainers on and a length of 2x2 by the bed, just in case I heard someone coming in.

What does that say about the US society?

People here chastise Rich and I when we hint that the USA is a violent society - yet here you are saying you slept in trainers with a length of wood ready to batter a person.

Surely this proves Rich and I are right after all?

I am talking of pointing a gun at someone who has broken into your house and pulling the trigger and killing them. I don't give a monkey's toss what it's called. To me it's taking a human life.

How Americans can do this is quite frankly beyond me. It indicates what little value Americans put on human life. That's why the US troops like to shoot anything that moves I guess, no matter if they are friend or foe.


As far as shooting someone that broke into my house; if they are not in yet I would shout at them and say I am calling the cops.
If they continue to try to come in then I would shoot over the top of their head,
and IF they still want to come in after all those(plenty enough time for them to leave on their own)
then it is shoot to kill because they obviously have something else in mind.

Of course that is if i hear them.
If I am snoring and don't hear them then what do I do? (boobytrap the doors and windows? - which is a crime here so i can't do that)

By the way I have a 2 year old daughter, If I find someone in my house not invited they will get hurt, how hurt(dead or alive) really depends on them.
They made the choice to cross that barrier. They will have to live with the consequences.
Ok, let's get pedantic again...

I take it you're implying that I was aiming that "xenophobic remark" at Americans. I wasn't .... etc (see above).

My apologies, my assumption came from this statement

That post was ment against both sides of this 'debate'.

I'm not going to trawl through all the past posts to prove you wrong, and neither are you judging on how you cleverly challenged me to do it.

Can you honestly say there is not one post in all the threads in this forum in which an American has discriminated against someone's race?

To be really anally pedantic, not all UK citizens are British. Get your facts right. blah, blah, blah...

You're right I get overly pedantic sometimes, I apologise.
So what was the reason? Killer ants on the loose? Rampant daffodils like triffids?

Sh*t area. I grew up in a place called Llanrumney and it had a bad reputation for certain things (especially car theft). We eventually worked out that the break-ins were down to someone who knew me, as every time I went on holiday, the house got broken into, regardless of whether my family were home or not. Never did find out who it was, but after adding barbed wire in trees, broken glass on wall-tops, etc. it stopped.
Sh*t area. I grew up in a place called Llanrumney and it had a bad reputation for certain things (especially car theft). We eventually worked out that the break-ins were down to someone who knew me, as every time I went on holiday, the house got broken into, regardless of whether my family were home or not. Never did find out who it was, but after adding barbed wire in trees, broken glass on wall-tops, etc. it stopped.

Who did you tell you were going on holiday - only close family need to know you are actually away.

How many times it happen? I'd have made it obviuos I was away, got some big mates around and collared/battered the bastards.
Who did you tell you were going on holiday - only close family need to know you are actually away.

How many times it happen? I'd have made it obviuos I was away, got some big mates around and collared/battered the bastards.
I didn't specificaly tell anyone I was going, so who knows how they found out? This was some years ago and while I was quite confident in my ability to beat the snot out of anyone I caught doing it, by the time we'd tied it into my absences, we'd added the extra security - and, rather ironically, been warned by the local police that it was too dangerous and, if anyone got hurt, we could be prosecuted - and it stopped. I'd guess we got robbed about four times and the car went seven times in three weeks (that one was kids, as it was always found in the local area).

Only once did I get close to one of the b*stards. My mother called upstairs to tell me and my Dad that someone was crouching down by the car. Turned out he was syphoning petrol. I went downstairs and unlocked the door as quietly as I could, then ran for him. Unfortunately for me, he was with a friend on a 'scrambler' bike, who'd kept the engine running. As I got about six feet from him, he saw me, jumped on the back of the bike and they were gone. I threw the bat I had at him, but missed. We did get a free petrol can out of it, as he dropped it when he left.:)

Once I'd moved away from home, it was real relief when my parents moved to a different area.
Its a shame the scumbags could repeatedly get away with it.

I'd build some tiered sytem of jail - any offence a short sharp shock - next offence a slightly more seriuos sentence continue and you can spend your life behind a fence with armed gaurds patroling.

I don't think that harsh, noones needs to rob to live in this country anymore - those who do choose to rob/harass should face this stark choice, and the choice is entirely theirs.

I think many kids drift into a life like this cos that got away with no consequnces early on, by the time there are consequnces they are into that life, with no qualifcations, no cv, know no differant, and we have to increase immigration to cover and pay for their inadequancies.
There was a youth centre at the bottom of the hill I lived on. It gives a fair indication of the area that there were always one or two lefties handing out leaflets to the kids, advising them of their legal rights when (not 'if') the police gave them a pull. Most of the people I was in school with knew exactly what to stop doing at what age, because the sentence would likely go up.

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