US leaders

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well you could look at this in two lights
either stupid rules or that they are banging up criminals

but 1 in 9 seems a harsh ratio for a black man .
either there aren't enough job opportuniies for young black men or there is an undertone of racisim still around -
or perhaps lack of education - still be this far removed from the story you can quote all sorts of figures and it has no real content .

well you could look at this in two lights
either stupid rules or that they are banging up criminals

but 1 in 9 seems a harsh ratio for a black man .
either there aren't enough job opportuniies for young black men or there is an undertone of racisim still around -
or perhaps lack of education - still be this far removed from the story you can quote all sorts of figures and it has no real content .


Not, it merely ands credance to our belief that racism still abounds within the US and the myth that that the US is the land of equal opportunity remains just that, a myth
Not, it merely ands credance to our belief that racism still abounds within the US and the myth that that the US is the land of equal opportunity remains just that, a myth

Hmmm. not quite with you on this
need to know the make up of
the area from where the arrest happen etc
crime stats witihn a population and the make up of this population
thats just to get to half way decent ratio
then you have to look at socail impacts - schools- job opportunities etc

if in area A jobs are fewer than area b then more like to havea higher crime ratio in A than B

I can pull figures out an make comments - it does need someone to actual explain the make up of the figures-

but you could be right at the end of this .

but i would not jump to that conculsion (might think it in the back of my mind though)

We've been making the point here for years, there were more blacks in prison in Texas than there were in schools and Bush executed more of them in Texas than any other Country. The fact remains that from a political point of view it was easier to pander to the public demand to be seen rendering justice by locking them up than it was to tackle the root cause, i.e. poor education and living conditions.......
From the current US election campaigns, it appears to me that to become a US 'leader' all you need is more money than your opponent.

Once you are the leader, the policies are then slanted to protecting ones billion$ (tax cuts for the rich seems a popular US pasttime)
I wonder why everyone in the world wants to come to this oppressive place? Makes you wonder..Hummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
There are thousands of people per day trying to get into the US as imigrants.

And that's the LEGAL ones.
Nice to be leading in something... Supposedly around 70% of the U.S. prison population (not sure if that includes Guantanamo) is comprised of drug offenders... If China imprisoned drug offenders they might be number 1... Speaking of leading, I recall long ago when Nancy Reagan (yes, Nancy, not Ron) lead a "just say no" campaign to curtail drug use in the U.S. Lots of money went into that, I imagine...and it clearly worked wonders...
Great article Rich.

I have just one wonder about this: What exactly started this craze about moving to America? All I see on the news is the crap about the borders not being secure. Most of it I know, is about people from Mexico. Maybe there are others, but I know that's the main problem. What's the beef here? Are they fleeing from Terrorists down there, or what? Is it seriously THAT bad in Mexico? You could be living in Africa, where they have nothing to eat, couldn't you...???
Supposedly around 70% of the U.S. prison population (not sure if that includes Guantanamo) is comprised of drug offenders
Don't a lot of drugs come from Mexico and South America? Hmmmm....coincidence????
Intersting article, but I wasn't clear - Is it implying that the reason behind the disproportionate prison numbers is that more black people than white commit crimes? This may well be the case in some areas, for all I know. Especially if there is a higher black population, just as the numbers may be reversed in other areas, where white people are predominant.

Alternatively, is it suggesting that the same number of black people as white commit crimes, but more black people got to prison? May also be true, or may be a pack of lies - I have no idea.

It would have been interesting to see any evidence to back up either view. Just saying that there are more black people than white in prison doesn't mean much, unless the reasons/causes are at least suggested at.
Intersting article, but I wasn't clear - Is it implying that the reason behind the disproportionate prison numbers is that more black people than white commit crimes? This may well be the case in some areas, for all I know. Especially if there is a higher black population, just as the numbers may be reversed in other areas, where white people are predominant.

I was in my local park the other day, marvelling at the 1000 year old Oak tree (again), and examining the so called evidence for it being 1000 years old. I thought for some time and came to the conclusion that the evidence supported the claim either being true, or being false.

I fear you have yet to reach this advanced stage of logic?:confused::rolleyes:;)
I was in my local park the other day, marvelling at the 1000 year old Oak tree (again), and examining the so called evidence for it being 1000 years old. I thought for some time and came to the conclusion that the evidence supported the claim either being true, or being false.

I fear you have yet to reach this advanced stage of logic?:confused::rolleyes:;)
So was the article saying that black people commit more crime or that they just go to prison more?
More young black men get in trouble because the mother is promiscuous and their fathers drop the ball and skip out. It's a cycle thing. I bet if you looked at the figures for black men that were raised in a traditional family setting the numbers would be about the same as they are for whites.

Couple Jessie with food stamps, sect 8 housing, miss black america, snoop dog, ACLU, NAACP, etc. and it's not all that hard to figure out. It’s a sex and drugs, divisive, entitlement mentality instead of a meritorious, co-operative and self actualization message a lot of the trouble kids are getting…
It’s a sex and drugs, divisive, entitlement mentality instead of a meritorious, co-operative and self actualization message a lot of the trouble kids are getting…
I notice that there's a Black Entertainment channel on our local cable network. Not sure what the reaction would be if someone proposed starting a specifically White Entertainment schedule.

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