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I notice that there's a Black Entertainment channel on our local cable network. Not sure what the reaction would be if someone proposed starting a specifically White Entertainment schedule.

Case closed. When the ACLU or the NAACP, etc shut that down they just might be taken serious as a do-good organization - :)
More young black men get in trouble because the mother is promiscuous and their fathers drop the ball and skip out. It's a cycle thing. I bet if you looked at the figures for black men that were raised in a traditional family setting the numbers would be about the same as they are for whites.

Couple Jessie with food stamps, sect 8 housing, miss black america, snoop dog, ACLU, NAACP, etc. and it's not all that hard to figure out. It’s a sex and drugs, divisive, entitlement mentality instead of a meritorious, co-operative and self actualization message a lot of the trouble kids are getting…

A typical whitey arrogant answer:rolleyes:
I notice that there's a Black Entertainment channel on our local cable network. Not sure what the reaction would be if someone proposed starting a specifically White Entertainment schedule.

Can see you no longer live in the UK, there are channels here specifically for Asians, Chinese etc., nobody here complains, why in the hell does the mighty US see it as something immoral, it's not as if they're broadcast in a foreign language is it?:rolleyes:
A typical whitey arrogant answer:rolleyes:

Maybe, but it is often stated here in the UK that boys of African descent do poorer at school and get into more trouble than those of any other ethnic class, so do you have a theory?

Can see you no longer live in the UK, there are channels here specifically for Asians, Chinese etc., nobody here complains,
Um...yes they do. They did when I was living there and I doubt they've stopped now. You can have a different channel for every race, religion and colour if you want, it makes no difference to me. I was pointing out that 'all black' channels are okay, while 'all white' channels wouldn't be.
why in the hell does the mighty US see it as something immoral
Firstly, where did the question of the station being immoral come in? We were discussing whether or not having deliberately divisive programming causes shifts in the way people think. Secondly, what have the opinions of US got to do with me?
it's not as if they're broadcast in a foreign language is it?
Strange this last comment. Why would broadcasting in a foreign language be 'immoral'?
I notice that there's a Black Entertainment channel on our local cable network. Not sure what the reaction would be if someone proposed starting a specifically White Entertainment schedule.

BET (Black Entertainment Television) is a cable channel. You have to pay to get it.
If you want to pay, it's your money.

As to the White Entertainment Channel...after you run out of All in the Family re-runs, what are you going to show?
BET (Black Entertainment Television) is a cable channel. You have to pay to get it.
If you want to pay, it's your money.

As to the White Entertainment Channel...after you run out of All in the Family re-runs, what are you going to show?
It came as one of the free extras on our basic package. If I choose not to have it, I have to do without all the others I receive as well. Besides which, I do occasionally watch it (they did a 'top ten best dancers' show last week which was very good).

My comment wasn't aimed at trying to say that this channel wasn't worth showing, it was an observation that if something (TV channel, book, or whatever) deliberately points out the differences in society, it's not surprising if at least some of its target audience/readership/etc. starts to feel less a part of the society as a whole. It was also a comment on the fact that using 'white' to define a channel, book or whatever would be seen as racist while using any other is perfectly acceptable.
A typical whitey arrogant answer:rolleyes:

There are whitey boys that get in trouble. They're just stupid and don't have the likes of the ACLU to blame, just PBR... :)
...As to the White Entertainment Channel...after you run out of All in the Family re-runs, what are you going to show?

LOL - Best come back I've read in a while :)
Maybe, but it is often stated here in the UK that boys of African descent do poorer at school and get into more trouble than those of any other ethnic class, so do you have a theory?


But aren't the negroes in the US of American descent?:confused:
Um...yes they do. They did when I was living there and I doubt they've stopped now. You can have a different channel for every race, religion and colour if you want, it makes no difference to me. I was pointing out that 'all black' channels are okay, while 'all white' channels wouldn't be.

Some people moan about anything, although I have to say in this predominately white area I've not heard any moans about "divisive" channels

Firstly, where did the question of the station being immoral come in? We were discussing whether or not having deliberately divisive programming causes shifts in the way people think.

If it's deliberately devisive then it must be immoral by definition, surely

Secondly, what have the opinions of US got to do with me?

Where did I say it did, I merely posed the question

Strange this last comment. Why would broadcasting in a foreign language be 'immoral'
I didn't say broadcasting in foreign language would be immoral :rolleyes:

I assume it's broadcast in English and therefore open to all the US to watch
But aren't the negroes in the US of American descent?:confused:

Most I know prefer 'African-American'. Like they're too ashamed to be either fully African or fully American. Truth be known the one's that are most adamant are probably from alabama or mississippi :) (Just kiddin :))
Most I know prefer 'African-American'. Like they're too ashamed to be either fully African or fully American. )

But you get a lot of this with Irish-American, Italian-American, French-Canadian, I personally think its mad, what should I write, in no particular order Welsh-Scottish-Irish-English with perhaps a touch of a few others if i go back far enough. :eek::D

I do not claim to know all the answers. (Even got my doubts about all the questions.)

However, regarding the question of why disproportionate black representation in prisons:

I have a step daughter and a daughter-in-law who are teachers. Their take on the matter is that some time ago, when racism was even more prevalent than it is today, there came a "break" in society in which black males somehow decided that "whitey" was just always going to screw them, no matter how much schooling was involved. The "Great Society" programs made it possible for black families to live without the support structure of the so-called "nuclear family" - no, that's not a reference to "Bomb the bastards, nuke 'em 'till they glow."

Anyway, with a weak family structure no longer an economic detriment, the old question of nature/nurture became badly unbalanced. The black children, with no strong family figures to provide good examples, feel abandoned (probably with good cause). With no strong family figures to provide guidance into adulthood, they remain childlike, which for an adult isn't so good. Children don't care if they take what is yours; they aren't fully socialized. They get violent. They get cocky. They show no respect. And what we therefore see is a generation that has lost its way to adulthood.

Sadly, the law is required to treat people over a certain age as adults even though they are mentally still children - on a moral/ethical level. So what happens is the law gets tough and the liberal mentality says, "Awww, they aren't responsible for this situation. Go easy on them." And the conservative mentality says, "If we just do nothing, they never learn."

The fact that prisons have more than just black people speaks to the further degradation of the family. The USA "religious right" is strong on the family, which is good, but they carry entirely too much "holier than thou" baggage with them, which is bad.

What's the solution? Damfino! But until we can return that part of our population towards a situation where they can reasonably just "grow up" - we are stuck with them. Can't let them go free, can't kill them and start over, and they don't trust the message of "whitey" regarding what constitutes "adult" behavior. An impasse.

I hope I presented my daughters' views adequately. I about halfway agree with their ideas. Maybe even more than half.
Had a fellow on a local radio talk show talking about the acceptable expression in the US was now "African-American". He had a Jamaican accent.

Caller - Where were you born?
Response - Jamaica
Caller - Wouldn't that make you a Caribe-American?
Response - none
Host - let's go to commercial.
Had a fellow on a local radio talk show talking about the acceptable expression in the US was now "African-American". He had a Jamaican accent.

Caller - Where were you born?
Response - Jamaica
Caller - Wouldn't that make you a Caribe-American?
Response - none
Host - let's go to commercial.

Is this a joke ???? You'll have to spell it out to me?

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