Audit Trail Idea

  1. Does the sample I attached work for you in Access 2007?
  2. Take a screen shot of the start of the module in VBA.
  3. Did you rename the Audit Trail by chance?
  4. Use the "Find" function in VBA and find out where each "AuditTrail" word is. (To find out if you have duplicate procedures).
Other than that, maybe someone with Access 2007 can help you figure it out.
1. The sample you sent does work.


Hope this is what you were looking for. =P

3. I did not rename the module.

4. I did try the Find function, actually, when it was suggested that there might be a duplicate, and there were only the references in your module and the one where I had put the code in a form's BeforeUpdate event.
1. The sample you sent does work.

Well, then the next step I would try is this:

  1. Disable your line again.
  2. Delete the module
  3. Import everything from the database sample that works (tables, forms, module, etc)
  4. Compile and see what happens.
  5. Try to run the audit trail in the form you just imported (just like in the example I sent).
If it works then, try adding your call again.
Steps 1-3 were successful.

Step 4 note: The "Compile" option was grayed out.

So I de-apostrophized my call line and...

Same error.


This is getting ridiculous. Thank you guys for hanging in with me on this tedious chore. :/ I somehow doubt this should be so difficult...
Steps 1-3 were successful.

Step 4 note: The "Compile" option was grayed out.

So I de-apostrophized my call line and...

Same error.


This is getting ridiculous. Thank you guys for hanging in with me on this tedious chore. :/ I somehow doubt this should be so difficult...

Disable your call line.
Open the form you imported from my sample... Make a change. Does it work? Can you compile then?

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