God is Evil

I don't blame christianity I blame all bloody religions. As for my definition of christianity being hysterical I disagree. It is comical but when you really look at christianity and other religions they are even more comical. Another comical expression I like is:

"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach a man religion and he will starve to death praying for a fish."

Individuals may gain benefit from religion but this doesn't make it any more likely to be true and has detrimental effects on the species.
Advancement stopped because of the fall of the Romans. The slow down wasnt caused by Christianity.

The fall of Rome was about 1000 years before the Church silenced Galileo and Copernicus from teaching science.

You used the term 'above us' so it was easier to stick with the ladder idea.

That was the other Mike. I think he's got the wrong idea about what evolution is.

There is no ladder - no end goal - no 'next stage' (outside of hollywood fiction and creationist strawmen)

In what units is the X axis of this graph expressed? Or is it just a sketch?
it's meant to be an amusing picture more than anything else
I am getting a bit concerned about this. How can we assume that God is either good or evil when nobody has actually met it? and what use is it to shake one's fist when we don't even know the direction to face (my Islamic and witchy friends excluded) to shake at? Maybe, what we're dealing with is an entity that is, by it's standards, still in its infancy, in which case can we really be calling it good or evil? Maybe it's just learning. Maybe I should go lay down before my head explodes :D
As Christian beliefs became more popular, this form of society couldn't remain as strong.

I think describing Roman society as secular is woefully inaccurate.
I think describing Roman society as secular is woefully inaccurate.
Take it up with the author of the article :D It was his choice of word, not mine.
My point was just that Christianity was part of the cause for the society's demise. I thought the gist of the article covered that pretty well.
Take it up with the author of the article :D It was his choice of word, not mine.
My point was just that Christianity was part of the cause for the society's demise. I thought the gist of the article covered that pretty well.

Perhaps but the suggestion that religion in general has held up human progress is a little far-fetched, IMO. The renaissance was greatly funded by religious authority as was the Age of Discovery. The British empire was founded on Christian doctrine as is the only global superpower of today.

To say that Christianity and the advance of the human race are mutually exclusive is not correct.
Perhaps but the suggestion that religion in general has held up human progress is a little far-fetched, IMO. The renaissance was greatly funded by religious authority as was the Age of Discovery. The British empire was founded on Christian doctrine as is the only global superpower of today.

To say that Christianity and the advance of the human race are mutually exclusive is not correct.
But to deny that religion in general - and Christianity in particular - has hindered much scientific progress is also incorrect.
This is heresy! :)

Excellent point, sir.

Thanks :)

I think this is the first discussion I've ever held about religion where someone actually agreed with someone else's point.

I'll mark today on my calendar. :cool:

If you were around an IAG executive who loves to spend money they never earned, would you put a bonus in their hand?

Does this make the current United States administration evil?

If you were around a child who loves to stick things in sockets, would you put a fork in the child's hand? No, and if you did you would be evil. I see no difference between the two ideas.
What amount of faith, magic or mystery does it take to believe the human is the highest form of life in the universe?

and what use is it to shake one's fist when we don't even know the direction to face (my Islamic and witchy friends excluded) to shake at?

S/He is omnipotent (allegedly), so direction should not be an issue, just shake that fist, God will know who it's, and what it's all about, notes are being taken :D
Dunno. Who believes that? What do you mean by 'highest' anyway?

"Highest"...is there a form of life higher than us in intelligence etc. If there is it would be unreal. Consider that our DNA and Chimps are supposed to be 99% the same and look at the difference.

If there is a higher form of life than us then it could probably be classed as a "god" but not God.
But to deny that religion in general - and Christianity in particular - has hindered much scientific progress is also incorrect.

so i guess you (edit: sorry, i re-read your sentence - you actually agree. in that case my statement is for those who think the opposite ;) ) haven't heard the latest papal blunder? he states that condoms cause/aggrevate the spread of HIV/AIDS.

(edit2: they're desperately trying to back-pedal now... what a farce)

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