Form Help with timesheet and inventory


New member
Local time
Today, 13:33
May 24, 2009
I have a database the i use for keeping track of my Time whie traveling and working and also would like to be able to keep up with the inventory i use on the site site out of my vehicle. i have uploaded the databse for anyone to look at and help.
i need a form that i enter my job date and jobnumber and times on then be able to enter inventory used if i use any on that job. Some jobs i don't use inventory on but others i do.


If you have a question, just ask. No one is going to make your db for you.
i am a new user of this forum and i have a some problem regarding some assignement given my boss, basiscally i am working in one of food chain restaurant and my boss asked me to prepare the file of costing which should have a link of receipes and when we put the sold item of menu and it autimatically show the consumpiton of each raw material.
Do you have any idea i personally appreciate your thinking.i am very thankfull for you.


i am a new user of this forum and i have a some problem regarding some assignement given my boss, basiscally i am working in one of food chain restaurant and my boss asked me to prepare the file of costing which should have a link of receipes and when we put the sold item of menu and it autimatically show the consumpiton of each raw material.
Do you have any idea i personally appreciate your thinking.i am very thankfull for you.


First, I think you should have created a new post.
Second, what yo seem to be talking about is a full blown cost accounting system. NOT an easy task for even seasoned developers.
My advice.... Tell your boss to look for some prepackaged software.
thanks for sending sheet it will give some relief and i can show that file to my boss if he ask the status about it.
My Dear the main problem is that due to unemployement increased in the world and my boss intentionally harras me to leave the job and he continue to putting my pressure to take any decision emotionally,
but i believe that you guys will provide some assistant regarding how to prepare the file.
i assure you i will utilized my effort and prepare the file if any problem exist then i will cordinate with you the meantime if you have any suggestion about it asked me.

Thanks and Rgds

I have a database the i use for keeping track of my Time whie traveling and working and also would like to be able to keep up with the inventory i use on the site site out of my vehicle. i have uploaded the databse for anyone to look at and help.
i need a form that i enter my job date and jobnumber and times on then be able to enter inventory used if i use any on that job. Some jobs i don't use inventory on but others i do.

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