Your favorite database idea

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Today, 11:04
Feb 25, 2008
If you wanted a database to do any one thing (regardless of price, resources and time) what would you want?

...and yes, I AM fishing for ideas here.

All ideas welcome, including ridiculous ones.

:) Thanks,
I want it to manage my life for me so I don't have to do anything anymore, or remember anything either. :D

Send me something that greets me at the door, regardless of the time of day (I already have this for my users though), tells me what my schedule is by voice, tells me WHY I need to do those things, schedules my bill payments on the schedules that I desire, understands the code that I write and can follow the instructions.

Oh...and I want something that LISTENS to me speak. Let me know when you have my project request finished. Thanks Ross!
A database showing the numbers from next week's Lotto.
You are welcome to take as big a cut from the profits as you like.
I want it to manage my life for me so I don't have to do anything anymore, or remember anything either. :D!

I thought that's what our modern education system is already teaching - the totally blame free existance
I'd like the Mother Of All Database Wizards, please.

A database utility that would allow people to choose options such as:

"I want an autonumber, but I want to be able to control it"
"I need to Repair an autonumber field that has gone horribly wrong"
"I'd like to create a brand new table for each and every instance of a new record"
"I want a union query to reunite 700 tables, each containing a single record"
"I need more than 255 fields, create multiple tables with 1-to-1 relationships"
"I want to normalize a set of tables with 400 columns all containing similar data"
"I want to store twelve distinct values in a single column"
"I want to split out multiple values from a single field"
An industrial strength Relational DBMS would be nice. :)

(Access is not relational and nor are Oracle, SQL Server and other SQL-based database systems because the SQL model is quite different to the relational model. So I'd like a true RDBMS rather than a SQL DBMS)
I was thinking about DB ideas, not DBMS ideas... but I did say rediculousness was okay, and that is a good idea nontheless
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(Access is not relational and nor are Oracle, SQL Server and other SQL-based database systems because the SQL model is quite different to the relational model. So I'd like a true RDBMS rather than a SQL DBMS)
I'd like you to expand on that idea. From all I've seen your statement is, shall I say, suspect (for lack of a better term). Can you defend that position?
Don't take the bait, SOS. This is an old trick to start an argument. Since each of the items to which dportas refers conforms to Codd's 12 Rules, they qualify as relational database systems.
Trick Question: How many rules are there in Codd's 12 Rules?
Ayup. When I saw dporta's post the first thing I thought was "Fabian Pascal."


I should have had mentioned it earlier, but a MVP, Steve Schapel, has a cool listing of all Access application in use. Take a look and see what they've done with it.
All SQL systems use a multi-set model (duplicate rows) rather than E.F.Codd's set-based model. Also they don't always support keys (for instance no key inheritence or keys on views). For these reasons among others they certainly don't conform to Codd's Information Rule or his Guaranteed Access Rule. There are plenty of other non-relational problems with SQL: three-value logic and lack of relation assignment and comparison to name just three. As a matter of detail, the 13 rules were never a "definition" of the relational model anyway, just some observations about the properties of RDBMSs.

Codd, C.J.Date and many others have written extensive criticisms of why SQL is not relational and I had no intention to rehash the details here. Please read their books. My reason for mentioning it was purely to promote discussion about the benefits of relational systems compared to the disadvantages of SQL ones. This is a hot topic at the moment as you may know:
In that case, dportas, how about initiating a new thread on the topic, instead of hijacking this thread? Or do you have any actual ideas for a database application, in keeping with RossWindows' theme here?

After reading about the NoSQL alternatives in the referenced blog, I find it to be just another case of apples vs oranges on this forum.

I will say categorically that until vendors are available with NoSQL solutions such as are described in the referenced blog site, that most of the commercial sites and ALL of the military sites I know of would say No to NoSQL, mostly because of the "No Throat to Choke" principle. The risk factor for a mission-critical data management system is just too high. If you are going to put all of your business eggs in one basket, that basket had (pardon my language) DAMNED well better have a viable vendor name on it.

I understand that structuring data to fit a set-theory model is sometimes not easy. I understand that folks will seek solutions that have the effect of reducing their overhead, and data conversion is often classed as overhead. But based on risk-reward theory, some risks are never worth any reward if the ultimate cost of the risk is total inoperability of your business after a failure or a determination of intractible data.

Further, associative-search algorithms laden with all sorts of heuristics and learning networks are great when they work. They suck when they don't, and because of that, a true general-purpose data management system doesn't exist. Many frameworks exist, but they require tailoring. We need sentient computers in order to reach the point of true general-purpose data management. While I don't say that can't happen, I'm fairly sure it hasn't happened yet. Without it, we have a gap between what any database program can do and what people want it to do.

I am not against ingenuity as a way to make things better, dportas, but in this forum you will find folks who don't always agree with the idea that doing away with relational models and SQL is viable for most businesses. Particularly since data mining (what you seem to be discussing) and business process modeling (what WE frequently discuss here) don't overlap that often. Different viewpoints.

Nevertheless, I'll agree that as computers become cheaper and clustering technology becomes more wide-spread, massive data management becomes more relevant in a global economy. Solutions are needed.

I don't think this next little problem has been adequately addressed in the solution you describe: Somebody's got to learn how to run those silly little data managers. The single-set models are simpler to manage than amorphous, overlapping multi-set models. And all too often, we see inexperienced programmers thrust into the position of becoming a DB manager or developer without having taken all the required course work. The harder you make that first step, the more likely you are to make a business fail. If know that, it's a step I would never take for my business. And that is a very big step for you to overcome in your movement to NoSQL systems.

Since I am not against progress, I will even wish you luck in getting where you are going, but I don't think we are quite ready for your solution. After all, being on the leading, bleeding edge of technology can be a painful experience.
If you wanted a database to do any one thing (regardless of price, resources and time) what would you want?

...and yes, I AM fishing for ideas here.

All ideas welcome, including ridiculous ones. (As long as they relate to the topic of this thread)

:) Thanks,
I am not against ingenuity as a way to make things better, dportas, but in this forum you will find folks who don't always agree with the idea that doing away with relational models and SQL is viable for most businesses.

You have misunderstood me. I am in favour of the relational model and I think it has a great future. I am not a fan of SQL however and I hope SQL will be replaced by better things. SQL is not relational.

I think the biggest threat to the relational model and relational databases is actually from people who mistakenly think that SQL and relational mean the same thing. By equating SQL and relational they implicitly taint relational model with SQL's faults and limitations. That's a mistake though, because those faults and limitations are not present in relational systems. Your comments are interesting but I think you are in danger of making that mistake.

I now realise we are off-topic. Sorry RossWindows, I didn't intend to hijack your thread.
...I now realise we are off-topic. Sorry RossWindows, I didn't intend to hijack your thread.

Yet you continue to do so. I suggest that you continue the discussion in another thread or in private.

Now, dportas, do you have something on-topic to contrubute to this thread?
I would like a database that would allow me to select a recipe, list the ingredients in a list and I could input how much I already have of that ingredient, and then it would produce a shopping list for me, Would also be great if it could give a shopping list based on multiple recipes. Or maybe it could keep track of my entire pantry/fridge inventory and produce grocery list off of that if I asked it to, or both.... I will design this someday.....In all my spare time, LOL, :D
i know this is becoming a different thread, but just one comment.

i think with things like this there is a danger of becoming over concerned with semantic issues.

I am not familiar with all of Codd's rules, just that they underpin what we understand as realtional databases. Are they proven, or are just a best guess at present?

I am also not familar with the technology DPortas is describing

But in any event, if it walks like a duck, looks like a duck, quacks like a duck and lays eggs it probably is a duck.

I would have thought therefore that Access, SQL and similar variants are demonstrably relational for most PRACTICAL purposes.

It just seems to me that it perhaps isnt so important how SQL and the like achieve their results - surely its sufficient that they work consistently, and in a describleable manner

Perhaps there are massive systems to which these technologies may have limitations or failings. Are there? It doesnt realy matter to most of us, I suspect.
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You know, I posted my comment twice, because I thought the first time that I had somehow posted to the wrong thread..... Although this conversation does sound interesting....

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