All I needed to know about real life, I learned at the movies...

At the airport, you can always just walk right up to the desk, check in and walk right on the plane.
When a bold, heroic man grabs a woman and kisses her forcibly, for some reason, it isn't sexual assault, even if she at first resists.
When a bold, heroic man grabs a woman and kisses her forcibly, for some reason, it isn't sexual assault, even if she at first resists.

Its all in the technique. What they dont show is you have to give a little pinch on the bum just before you do it. Give it a go!
the goodies always win,

except sometimes when you are up against the government


and true life is stranger than the movies

thats right, Bob Parr had it right in The Incredibles

just when you've had it, the bad guy starts monologuing
There's no need for a hairdresser. If a woman needs a change she just looks in the mirror and cuts, perfect designer cut.
A woman can always be expected to scream:
when there's no one within 500 miles who can come to her aid
or at the exact moment when silence is imperative.
Good looking, successful guys always have names like Jack Rock or Samuel Powerboat. If your name is something like Herman Tweed, you will be a buck-toothed, clumsy, freckled geek with plastic framed glasses, repaired with band-aids.
Good looking, successful guys always have names like Jack Rock or Samuel Powerboat. If your name is something like Herman Tweed, you will be a buck-toothed, clumsy, freckled geek with plastic framed glasses, repaired with band-aids.

This is soooo true. The president of the company I work for is named Michael Greathead. I kid you not!
Kryst: Must be nice working for NBM in Houston, TX... thank you lord Google for allowing me to use menial information to locate the lost souls.

The loser can always get the girl by being awkward, persistent and creepy.
Kryst: Must be nice working for NBM in Houston, TX... thank you lord Google for allowing me to use menial information to locate the lost souls.

Do you intend to stop by the hardware store on your way home from work tonight? Is your pickaxe on order? :eek: :D

The loser can always get the girl by being awkward, persistent and creepy.

Worked for me :rolleyes:
Pickaxe.... check
Shovel.... check
sunblock... check
beach towel... check
umbrella... wait... something seems off

Way off, you're heading for Texas, not Scotland ;)

Do you want to borrow my map?

I must say, it's great to see I'm not the only one who googled that :D
I must say, it's great to see I'm not the only one who googled that :D

The next step is to sort through kryst's posts and see what small personal details we can use to identify more specific details, then we can have a surprise bbq next weekend
The next step is to sort through kryst's posts and see what small personal details we can use to identify more specific details, then we can have a surprise bbq next weekend

Great idea, we should invite Mike he can bring the shrimps (atomic ones). I'm sure kryst wouldn't mind if I park my broomstick in her driveway ;)
As we have had a severe dry spell, be prepared for an extreme hurricane season though.

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