Iran: A Nuclear Power?

Just an FYI: Puzzled is Rich. Please don't ask him why!
But Brian surely you can see that Rich's response was a direct retort to the American we're alright here Jack post.:confused:

And you have trouble with chronology, even when it’s recorded right in front of your eyes.

I would say that you are most likely Col’s cousin, the one that even his family won’t claim.
And you have trouble with chronology, even when it’s recorded right in front of your eyes.

I would say that you are most likely Col’s cousin, the one that even his family won’t claim.
And you obviously can't count

and further

please pay attention and try to stay with us:mad:
But Brian surely you can see that Rich's response was a direct retort to the American we're alright here Jack post.:confused:

Puzzled certainly has the correct moniker.
If he went back to my post, then traced back he would see that the post, by Statsman, that Rich responded to, ie quoted, did not mention any nation, Rich introduced the US in his response.

Puzzled certainly has the correct moniker.
If he went back to my post, then traced back he would see that the post, by Statsman, that Rich responded to, ie quoted, did not mention any nation, Rich introduced the US in his response.

I haven't quoted any of Stats posts on this thread or even replied to any of them:confused:
But we aren't talking about that post now Bri,we've moved on since then

Come on Rich keep up. I was responding to Puzzled who had gone back to there in a percieved criticism of a post of mine.

BTW thanks for not mentioning the Reds, pathetic buch of wallies, we can only beat United, useless elsewhere.

Might as well hijack the thread. :D

Come on Rich keep up. I was responding to Puzzled who had gone back to there in a percieved criticism of a post of mine.

BTW thanks for not mentioning the Reds, pathetic buch of wallies, we can only beat United, useless elsewhere.

Might as well hijack the thread. :D

And of course you won't get the chance to see how skillful against you in Europe we are for another year:cool::p
thanks for your optimosm that we will qualify for the CL next year, my money is still on 6th or 7th.

TEHRAN, Iran – Iran approved plans Sunday to build 10 industrial scale uranium enrichment facilities, a dramatic expansion of the program in defiance of U.N. demands it halt enrichment and a move that is likely to significantly heighten tensions with the West.
The decision comes only days after the U.N. nuclear watchdog agency censured Iran over its program and demanded it halt the construction of a newly revealed enrichment facility. The West has signaled it is running out of patience with Iran's continuing enrichment and its balking at a U.N. deal aimed at ensuring Tehran cannot build a nuclear weapon in the near-term future. The U.S. and its allies have hinted at new U.N. sanctions if Iran does not respond.
The White House said the move "would be yet another serious violation of Iran's clear obligations under multiple U.N. Security Council resolutions and another example of Iran choosing to isolate itself."
"Time is running out for Iran to address the international community's growing concerns about its nuclear program," White House press secretary Robert Gibbs said.

They're playing a dangerous game.
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Iran is obviously going to do what ever they want to do inspite of sanctions.

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