Has the recession effected you yet?

I have been for an interview for a position at a local authority. Regardless of whether they offer it to me, I'll have to be pretty desperate to take it. The package they offer is pathetic. There is no private medical insurance and their pension fund is contributable, in accordance with the level of pay you are on. The salary they offer is almost half of what I am currently on. While I would need to work off site, I would be required to supply my own vehicle and make sure it was insured for use at work, at my own expense. Then, when I did claim for mileage I would be paid for petrol through my salary, so they would tax me on the amount they refund me!!!

There HAS to be a better job out there, what was I thinking even applying for a local authority post?
There HAS to be a better job out there, what was I thinking even applying for a local authority post?
You have my sympathies.
Maybe it's just my age but I can remember when getting local authority work was a nice little number. How times change.:(
You have my sympathies.
Maybe it's just my age but I can remember when getting local authority work was a nice little number. How times change.:(

Haven't they though? They certainly seem to think applicants are desperate for their silly little jobs too. It seemed like a good idea, the old "job for life" scenario, then, during the interview they also mentioned something about re-structuring the department which means that everyone will have to apply for new posts within the department in the near future. Just a bunch of Mickey Mouse men playing at work if you ask me.

Anyway, my agency has a few other interviews lined up for me, I've told them to forget about anything in local government!
All of our local governments are crying poor and launching pay freezes and benefits suspensions. Most of the roads are in dreadful shape and the trash pickup is being reduced.

Oh yeah, the elected coucillors just voted themselves a 23% pay rise.
I think I'll stand for election next time out.
Hi all,

Just to keep you all updated, my property is now under offer for £80k less than I paid for it, leaving me with the shortfall bill :(

Once it is finalised I will be sending a letter of complaint to the mortgage company, that is now state owned, and to the FSA to the effect that they have not complied with the FSA regulations with regards to a 'Duty of Care' to me to sell the property at a reasonable price based on market conditions, considering that two houses exact size and style are on the market in the exact same area just metres apart for at least 30k more.

I will let you know how i get on.
Hi all,

Just to keep you all updated, my property is now under offer for £80k less than I paid for it, leaving me with the shortfall bill :(

Once it is finalised I will be sending a letter of complaint to the mortgage company, that is now state owned, and to the FSA to the effect that they have not complied with the FSA regulations with regards to a 'Duty of Care' to me to sell the property at a reasonable price based on market conditions, considering that two houses exact size and style are on the market in the exact same area just metres apart for at least 30k more.

I will let you know how i get on.
Trying to look on the positive side, at least it's over with. Yes, the shortfall is bad, but the waiting and not knowing can't have been pleasant.
Good luck with the complaint.
I will let you know how i get on.

Good luck with your letter of complaint. It's a miserable time for many people.

My husband has had to take a temporary 10% pay cut, which may or may not come back in October, and they are being asked to voluntarily take unpaid vacation days. At this point though they aren't mandating it, just asking for volunteers.

My job isn't faring much better, as we're going to be furloughed for 8 days in the upcoming fiscal year (which runs from July to June), among other things. They are going to take it out of every paycheck in order to split the financial burden among all 24 pay periods, rather than making us take an 8 hour hit at one time whenever we are furloughed. So basically, it amounts to about a 3.5-4% pay cut for the next year, starting in July. So far, no layoffs though, although that could happen in the future if sales tax figures don't improve as that is our main funding source.
Another update on my situation,

Have negotiated with the majority of my Creditors myself and am making regular low payments with Interest frozen on the accounts, one creditor did try and ger funny and decided to take me to court to get more out of me, but the court sided with me so the payment I suggested stood.. ;)

Just had the shortfall of my mortgage balnce through now, so have written a letter of complaint to the mortgage company and will follow this up if unheard to the Financial Services Authority for them to pursue my grievance on the low sale value of my property :mad:

Once resolved I will be seeking an IVA (Individual Voluntary Agreement) with all my creditors and will hopefully be debt free in 5 years.. :cool:
Another update on my situation,

Have negotiated with the majority of my Creditors myself and am making regular low payments with Interest frozen on the accounts, one creditor did try and ger funny and decided to take me to court to get more out of me, but the court sided with me so the payment I suggested stood.. ;)

Just had the shortfall of my mortgage balnce through now, so have written a letter of complaint to the mortgage company and will follow this up if unheard to the Financial Services Authority for them to pursue my grievance on the low sale value of my property :mad:

Once resolved I will be seeking an IVA (Individual Voluntary Agreement) with all my creditors and will hopefully be debt free in 5 years.. :cool:
Shortfall hassle not withstanding, congratulations. That's great news. :)
Sounds like you're really getting to grips with it all. Ditto on the grats and keep going. :cool:
Getting out of debt is always a good thing, I am sorry, Scott for the trouble you have had to go through, but it can only get better, the more out of debt you are, the freer you are and more able to withstand times like these. Good luck!
Glad to hear you're keeping your head above water. Hope you succeed in your claim against the bank
Once resolved I will be seeking an IVA (Individual Voluntary Agreement) with all my creditors and will hopefully be debt free in 5 years.. :cool:

It probably feels like forever just now Scott, but when you get there it's the most amazing feeling!

Good luck
Interesting, this was just posted on our website, I sure hope it helps some of you out there who are in that "marginal area" just because you receive child benefit:

Recent government changes mean more families could get help with their rent and council tax.
If you receive Child Benefit, you may now be entitled to both Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit. Child Benefit is no longer counted as household income, so those who narrowly missed out on these benefits previously may now find they qualify for help.
Please tell your friends, family and especially any council colleagues without email, about the changes in case they are now eligible.​
It might seem like a long way away but the time will pass and then you will be debt free... keep heading in the right direction, it will work out.
We were wondering whether to reduce the hours of our cleaner. But she has 3 chavvies and needs the dosh, so we're a bit reluctant.

We may make savings by not having the car cleaned so often, it costs £12 a go. Or maybe reduce the gardener's hours. It's hard to decide.

We used to have a Philipino cleaner, she was good, but got herself preggers so we gave her the bullet. The one we have now is not having any more chavvies as she has had a hysterectomy, so we're safe there.

I have been unemployed for 2 months now, and I am enlisting in the Army. I am getting an $8000 signing bonus, salary for 3 years, technical training in the IT field, can finish my accounting degree for free. I hope this goes well! I am excited, but nervous at the same time. My g/f isn't too fond of the idea.
I have been unemployed for 2 months now, and I am enlisting in the Army. I am getting an $8000 signing bonus, salary for 3 years, technical training in the IT field, can finish my accounting degree for free. I hope this goes well! I am excited, but nervous at the same time. My g/f isn't too fond of the idea.

So the US army is more of a university placement then?

How can you do all that in Afghanistan?

Don't you learn to kill people? (you know, either civilians or allies) Or is that assumed it's already known being American.


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