Terrorist tries to blow up US Airliner

They do in the UK as well. Colin is just talking out of his b.u.t.t

I understand it now.

I was slightly confused by Josephine when he referred to "proper names". I thought he meant names of people, not organisations.

I know that in America people do have wierd names. Like the name "Randy" - in the UK you would be best advised not to approach a girl and say "Hi, I'm Randy".

Over Christmas, a terrorist attempted to blow up a Northwest Airlines flight from Amsterdam to Detroit.

It seems his bomb didn't quite work and all he succeeded in doing is burning off his testicles.

Goodness gracious.
I understand it now.

I was slightly confused by Josephine when he referred to "proper names". I thought he meant names of people, not organisations.

I know that in America people do have wierd names. Like the name "Randy" - in the UK you would be best advised not to approach a girl and say "Hi, I'm Randy".


On this side, if your lady friend is late, don't tell her you're going to "knock her up".
Punctuation within initialisms fell from common use a long time ago. Pretty pointless to continue to appease those who are resisting progress and development. Let the hasbeens whine if they refuse to admit that the year is 2010.
You're getting confused between Americanism and progress:rolleyes:
I know that in America people do have wierd names. Like the name "Randy" - in the UK you would be best advised not to approach a girl and say "Hi, I'm Randy".


Just for clarity - its even less advisable with a man.
People are not concerned about their safety as much as they are concerned about getting somewhere fast and cheap.

Not true all the time. I happily sat through extra TSA searching in line to board my flight from Chicago to Houston. Granted I didn't get search, but the line was still held up....
Not true all the time. I happily sat through extra TSA searching in line to board my flight from Chicago to Houston. Granted I didn't get search, but the line was still held up....
I was flying from the UK to Canada, via the US, some time ago. I forget which particular event had just happened, but the security delays for the connecting flight were far worse than normal.

There was a television crew from some US station at Newark airport and I watched the presenter and other members of the background team spend twenty minutes frantically searching for somebody who'd rant about how they hated being delayed and it was all for nothing and they'd rather take their chances, etc. They found no end of people who - as you said - were happily sitting through the delay, and more than a few who were unhappy, but saw the reasoning behind it. It took them a long, long time to find someone with the opposite view.
I was flying from the UK to Canada, via the US, some time ago. I forget which particular event had just happened, but the security delays for the connecting flight were far worse than normal.

There was a television crew from some US station at Newark airport and I watched the presenter and other members of the background team spend twenty minutes frantically searching for somebody who'd rant about how they hated being delayed and it was all for nothing and they'd rather take their chances, etc. They found no end of people who - as you said - were happily sitting through the delay, and more than a few who were unhappy, but saw the reasoning behind it. It took them a long, long time to find someone with the opposite view.

That is funny... Just one more reason I don't trust the media... :p
Not so many people are as patient and understanding as you are, I can endure the patdowns and wanding and imaging for these checks but I have noticed a lot of impatient people on both sides of the security line.
The security checks are not very thorough as one would be lead to believe and statistics are skewed because for security issues. I know that sounds a bit like a conspiracy theory. However if you ever fly into Israel via EL-AL you would experience an actual secure consumer flight and not just the superficial screening prior ot flight departure.

Not true all the time. I happily sat through extra TSA searching in line to board my flight from Chicago to Houston. Granted I didn't get search, but the line was still held up....
Not so many people are as patient and understanding as you are, I can endure the patdowns and wanding and imaging for these checks but I have noticed a lot of impatient people on both sides of the security line.
The security checks are not very thorough as one would be lead to believe and statistics are skewed because for security issues. I know that sounds a bit like a conspiracy theory. However if you ever fly into Israel via EL-AL you would experience an actual secure consumer flight and not just the superficial screening prior ot flight departure.

Yeah, it didn't seem very thorough to me. I flew Southwest, they only checked people in the A boarding group (a group of 60 people), so B and C boarding groups (120 people total for both groups) didn't get checked at all, then it was only like 3 or 4 people.... "randomly" chosen, which I don't know how that is done, or how random it actually is. Given that terrorist whose bomb failed to work, it does make me wonder how effective our security measures in general work. Do they really need to make me put my lipgloss in a ziplock baggy? :rolleyes:
Is it only flights to the US that are having the extra security checks or is it across the board?

I know a lot of people in the UK are against profiling as a security option, Human Rights, Discriminination etc etc, but Jeremy Clarkson summed it up perfectly in the weekend papers when he asked,
'What is the point of security scanning June Whitfield, (for our Across the Pond friends, she is a long established and elderly UK actress), she is clearly not going to blow up a plane, as are the family with young children, clearly scurrying through departure shouting at the kids to keep them in line.'

I think profiling, if it isn't already done, should be, but should be done with tact and decorum.
Exactly my point - if the lipgloss was anything BUT lipgloss would the zippy bag make it less of a risk?

Yeah, it didn't seem very thorough to me. I flew Southwest, they only checked people in the A boarding group (a group of 60 people), so B and C boarding groups (120 people total for both groups) didn't get checked at all, then it was only like 3 or 4 people.... "randomly" chosen, which I don't know how that is done, or how random it actually is. Given that terrorist whose bomb failed to work, it does make me wonder how effective our security measures in general work. Do they really need to make me put my lipgloss in a ziplock baggy? :rolleyes:

Also the profiling - sorry if you are chosen you are chosen and you will be searched and that is final. If it is all about prejudice then hire a bunch of persons who fit the description of persons who feel prejudiced against and have them search the target groups. If there is nothing to hide then just take it and get on your way.
The Israelis know that there is no 'model' for a terrorist or a security person, you have no idea on the plane which 5-10% of the persons are the security personel. The granny beside you could be packing the Uzi or the person who looks like a 16 year old exhange student could be the one with the Glock, interdispersed in the passengers. But they are a lot better trained then the rent-a-cop you get patted down by in the terminal and better equipped then the Air Marshals.

Is it only flights to the US that are having the extra security checks or is it across the board?

I know a lot of people in the UK are against profiling as a security option, Human Rights, Discriminination etc etc, but Jeremy Clarkson summed it up perfectly in the weekend papers when he asked,
'What is the point of security scanning June Whitfield, (for our Across the Pond friends, she is a long established and elderly UK actress), she is clearly not going to blow up a plane, as are the family with young children, clearly scurrying through departure shouting at the kids to keep them in line.'

I think profiling, if it isn't already done, should be, but should be done with tact and decorum.
'What is the point of security scanning June Whitfield, (for our Across the Pond friends, she is a long established and elderly UK actress), she is clearly not going to blow up a plane, as are the family with young children, clearly scurrying through departure shouting at the kids to keep them in line.'

Each time I go through UK security, I'm asked something along the lines of whether 'all my bags have been with me at all times'. I think this gives a fairly obvious answer to Mr Clarkson's question.
Each time I go through UK security, I'm asked something along the lines of whether 'all my bags have been with me at all times'. I think this gives a fairly obvious answer to Mr Clarkson's question.

Maybe the workers have been trained to read people, so they can tell if people are lying.... :p Like in the TV show "Lie to Me"
Each time I go through UK security, I'm asked something along the lines of whether 'all my bags have been with me at all times'. I think this gives a fairly obvious answer to Mr Clarkson's question.

The article was specifically referring to the need to Body Scan, all luggage needs to be scanned exactly for the reason you have mentioned.

Should you Body Scan a young child, and expectant mother, a well respected English Actress...etc etc

Or should you only be Body Scanning the individual with none or little luggage of an Asian, Middle East or African descendance, I am not discriminating against these races, but the only people so far who have been identified and / or caught or perpetrated these acts have been from this descendancy.
BRUSSELS – European nations were sharply divided Thursday over the need to install full-body scanners at European airports, with some EU members playing down the need for beefed-up security measures.
Italy on Thursday joined the United States, Britain and the Netherlands as nations who have announced plans to install the scanners following a Nigerian man's reported attempt to blow up a U.S. airliner flying from Amsterdam to Detroit on Christmas Day.
Washington is seeking enhanced security measures on all trans-Atlantic flights heading for the United States. That's a huge task, however, since European airports carry thousands of passengers on over 800 flights a day across the lucrative North Atlantic route.
But as EU aviation security experts met Thursday on the subject of scanners, Belgium's secretary of state for transport, Etiennne Schouppe, described such enhanced measures as "excessive," saying security requirements at European airports are already "strict enough."

Search AP for more details
How do you know they have little or no checked luggage? With a majority of airlines still struggling with misdirected checked in luggage how would someone ever be able to say for certain if any of these persons have or did not have a bag or two?
Perhaps the next terrorist will be someone who looks like a prime example of the aryan race, 18-25 years of age with 10 kilos of explosive strategically strapped to them to resemble an expectant young mommy... dont frisk her or scan her and she claims that is alergic to dogs so keep the sniffers away...

The article was specifically referring to the need to Body Scan, all luggage needs to be scanned exactly for the reason you have mentioned.

Should you Body Scan a young child, and expectant mother, a well respected English Actress...etc etc

Or should you only be Body Scanning the individual with none or little luggage of an Asian, Middle East or African descendance, I am not discriminating against these races, but the only people so far who have been identified and / or caught or perpetrated these acts have been from this descendancy.
How do you know they have little or no checked luggage? With a majority of airlines still struggling with misdirected checked in luggage how would someone ever be able to say for certain if any of these persons have or did not have a bag or two?
Perhaps the next terrorist will be someone who looks like a prime example of the aryan race, 18-25 years of age with 10 kilos of explosive strategically strapped to them to resemble an expectant young mommy... dont frisk her or scan her and she claims that is alergic to dogs so keep the sniffers away...

We could all quit flying.
There will always be a balance. The pendulum swings from more, to less, security depending on the length of the public memory.

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