Flame Wars

I'm hoping my previous post addressed your point.

When anti-social behavior is dominant then of course it's preferable to avoid it rather than let it drag you down.

However, here is my point.

Anti-social behavior is no longer dominant on the social boards. It's run it's course. Those who shunned the boards could retake it by resetting the default behavior. That is to say, social behavior. It would be social posts that would be waded through.

Those who shunned the boards left begrudgingly. They wanted to contribute but didn't want to wade. It's an ideal time for a renaissance.

Taking a lecture on social behaviour from a member who openly admits to sitting watching his poor wife sweating away in the garden, I don't think so

And yet again, who are those who left the boards?
And why don't Americans answer questions when challenged?:rolleyes:
I'm willing to give it a go.


It is a genuine loss that a significant portion of a large community such as AWF don't post on a social level when really they'd like to.

I think it's worthwhile to at least try and correct this situation.
<Ignore challenged posters>
Taking a lecture on social behaviour from a member who openly admits to sitting watching his poor wife sweating away in the garden, I don't think so

And yet again, who are those who left the boards?
And why don't Americans answer questions when challenged?:rolleyes:

I don't think it's limited to just Americans on this forum. :rolleyes:
Yes but we class Canadians as Americans anyway so it's inclusive:rolleyes:

Wow, classing citizens of different countries as one, who thinks they rule the world again? :rolleyes:

That's okay, I'll put you in the same population as the French. :D
Wow, classing citizens of different countries as one, who thinks they rule the world again? :rolleyes:

That's okay, I'll put you in the same population as the French. :D
We're not that close to FRANCE:p
I've noticed that, when Rich posts, it isn't about truth, justice, or the well-being of any particular persons. It is only to try to piss off the most number of people he can.

It would be nice to have an area to discuss things where that was not allowed. :)
I've noticed that, when Rich posts, it isn't about truth, justice, or the well-being of any particular persons. It is only to try to piss off the most number of people he can.

It would be nice to have an area to discuss things where that was not allowed. :)
Try reading a few more then:rolleyes:
Who needs a Flame Wars section when we have this thread? :rolleyes:
So is anything going to happen? I strongly doubt it.

Various people have made some suggestions - are any of them going to become active? or are they just going to filter away and we'll carry on as usual.

As I said earlier, the mods need to become more personable, and to know who they are and which parts of AWF they are responsible for would be nice.

I've noticed that, when Rich posts, it isn't about truth, justice, or the well-being of any particular persons.

Would you recognise it? Sometimes people cannot see it through their own blinkered American spectacles.

As I said earlier, the mods need to become more personable, and to know who they are and which parts of AWF they are responsible for would be nice.

This is public information. You can get to them via the main forum menu. There are really only 2 active, per my last review night before last.
An American with a sense of humour, unheard of!:eek:
but I like it;)

Actually, Bob Hope was funny - oh, of course, he was English.

Chaplin was funny - oh, he was English too.

You're right Rich - unheard of.

It may work, but the problem is those who make such posts don't let things go. They typically keep whining until someone pays attention to them, like they have a feeling of entitlement. It reminds me of a child crying for attention from his parents.

Yes it is difficult. Having read this thread I've noticed that it's not actually the tone of the response that causes the thread to turn into something that people don't want to bother with.

The 'american' hook could be responded to seriously, lightly or not at all but the end result is the same. Pages of posts that cover the same ground, not relevant to the topic and which people prefer not to wade through.
The 'american' hook could be responded to seriously, lightly or not at all but the end result is the same. Pages of posts that cover the same ground, not relevant to the topic and which people prefer not to wade through.

Why did you start it then?:rolleyes:

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